Thursday, January 30, 1997
27-minute ‘extravaganza’ even more boring than Super Bowl
Rob Kariakin
Ladies and gentlemen, something has got to be done.
Like hundreds of millions of other suckers around the world, I
sat in front of my television on Sunday, disgusted by what I saw.
Nothing had changed from years past. In fact, it was even worse
than before.
We all knew it would be a blowout; that’s true every year. But
this one reached an all-time low as far as holding my interest.
I’ve had enough! I propose we just do away with the damn thing,
once and for all.
I don’t think anybody would really mind, do you? I mean, come
on. It’s only a halftime show. (What, you didn’t think I was
talking about the Super Bowl itself, did you? That always-exciting,
always-close example of sports at it’s finest? Never!)
I didn’t think organizers could come up with anything worse than
the Elvis-inspired extravaganza of the second 49ers-Bengals Super
Bowl. Obviously, I underestimated them.
A phony news broadcast. A reincarnated Blues Brother.
Leather-clad dancers on Harley’s. James Brown in a bright red jump
suit. Fireworks. ZZ Top … ? Could they have possibly fit anything
more onto that field?
There was so much going on, halftime took half an hour (27
minutes, actually, not counting commercials), or about 12 minutes
longer than usual.
Somehow it felt longer still, so painful was it to watch.
Whoever put the thing together must have thought we would be so
impressed with how much was going on, we wouldn’t notice that all
of it sucked (at least I hope that’s what they thought, because if
they actually thought what they put out there was entertaining,
they should seek professional help immediately.)
First off, what was with the whole Blues Brothers thing? Having
Jim Belushi in place of dead brother John, that I can understand.
But what the hell was John Goodman doing out there? Who was he
supposed to be anyway, some long-lost third Blues Brother? Had they
all been reunited on a tearful episode of Sally Jesse?
Then there was James Brown. The godfather of soul seemed so odd
running around, gyrating and grimacing, he looked like a bad
impression of himself. I’ve seen Eddie Murphy do a more believable
James Brown than James Brown was doing. The old guy was so
flustered that he couldn’t even properly lip-synch his own songs,
at one point mouthing "I feel good" while we heard "I feel
But who can blame him for losing track? He was probably just
worried about getting enough air. The Einstein who planned this
fiasco obviously forgot that the smoke from the fireworks display,
the motorcycles and the ’50s hot rod couldn’t disperse easily in a
domed stadium. By the end of the show, the exhaust fumes hung in a
thick haze over the field, and the Louisiana Superdome looked like
Los Angeles on a summer day.
What’s more, it stayed that way. The stadium’s air conditioning
vents had been covered by drapes (I guess concrete walls were
simply too unsightly for such an upscale event), so the haze
remained for the rest of the game.
The moral of this story is that it’s simply time for whoever is
responsible for these horrible things to wise up. Nobody tunes in
for the halftime show, and more than a few people tune out because
of it (my own party thinned out dramatically at that point). Why
not just save the $1.2 million (can you believe that’s how much it
cost?) and go for a lower-priced, but ultimately less-annoying
alternative? Why not give a couple of local Pop Warner teams the
thrill of a lifetime and let them play for 20 minutes? Or maybe
have something like the GTE Supershot contest they have during
halftime at UCLA basketball games? People love watching little kids
play or seeing grown-ups make fools out of themselves trying (and
failing) to shoot layups or kick field goals.
Whatever the choice, it couldn’t be any worse than the current
brand of blowout extravaganzas.
Could it?
Rob Kariakian is a Daily Bruin columnist.