This post was updated on May 10 at 11:37 a.m. The original version of this graphic contained an error and information that was unclear, and has been changed. See the bottom of the post for additional information.
Click the image below to view the larger version of the graphic: Correction: The Student Wellness Commission’s name was wrong. Also, every undergraduate student pays $50.58 per quarter in Undergraduate Students Association fees, which have been approved by students in past years, and go to student government and other student-run programs. This year, the total fees add up to an estimated $4,041,821.
So at the endorsements when that sassy girl called us all stupid for not being able to do simple arithmetic, turns out she can’t do it! $10/$50=20% increase. Sorry, whatever happened to not raising our fees?
… or don’t complain when there’s no more free printing on campus or when the test bank stops getting updated. The reason for this initiative is because a lot of programs ran by CPO are getting cut and they want to preserve them.
what percentage of the 2 MILLION DOLLARS that CPO receives goes to the test bank and free printing? I’m not exactly sure but I’m pretty sure the VAST MAJORITY is spent on 45K a year PROJECT DIRECTORS for every SIAC and CRC project.
Stop trying to use scare tactics to give more funding to programs that barely serve barely a hundred students on this campus. Sick and tired of the bullshit.
I think there is a huge misunderstanding and lack of communication as to what CPO really does and what it represents. It definitely can improve it’s outreach and inform everybody about what it’s services are. First, as you claim these programs “barely serve a hundred students on this campus?”. CPO have retention projects catered towards helping UCLA students stay retained at UCLA especially students who are on Academic probation or Dismissed. These retention projects have thousand of students who use these services everyday making students are academically stable. CPO provides services to feed students who are homeless and do not have the funds to even have a meal everyday. CPO have projects aimed to help high school students to go to college especially communities that do not have access to higher education. CPO even have community service projects aiming at helping those in needs and a LGBT center to provide resources and assistance to the LGBT community. Thousands of UCLA students are involved, but not only do a thousands of students use these services, but these projects affect thousands of other people outside of the UCLA community who use these projects.
With that said, CPO serves as a haven for funding. The majority of the funds from the intiative will not be directed towards stipends, but rather pools of money that EVERY organization on campus can apply for. The funding that is trying to be pass doesn’t just aim to help CPO. Look at the bigger picture. It is going to help increase other funding pools for all student organizations to apply in order to make their programs possible and organization sustainable. How many organizations apply for the Contingency and EVP every year for programming? How many people are involved in performing in Culture Nights at UCLA (Royce costs $20,000 to perform at)? How many students receive financial aid? Who needs funding to travel for conferences? How many students are part of Greek Life? How many students are part of community service projects? The funding for this programs funds affect all of these services. Sounds like more then 100 students are being affected.
Before making judgement on this referendum, I think you should consider this
I’d rather have $50. I get absolutely nothing (of value) from USAC, the CPO, the green initiative fund, etc. Pay for your own stuff.