Both Anthony Montalvo and his opponent, Armen Hadjimanoukian, do not have a solid grasp on the responsibilities of the Facilities commissioner. But Montalvo has ideas that are more meaningful to the UCLA community, and for this reason, we endorse him.

Hadjimanoukian is running on narrow, short-term platforms – a revamped reusable coffee cup, a student thrift shop and new charging stations – that he could easily achieve, but that do not take larger issues students face into account.

In comparison to Hadjimanoukian, Montalvo reached out to more student groups and considered their needs in developing his platforms.

Montalvo’s strongest platform was to use signage to make gender-neutral bathrooms more visible. This feasible plan would make the campus more inclusive, increasing the comfort level of a sizeable constituent of students. He also had strong ideas about improving UCLA Transportation that simply need more research.

But the scope of Montalvo’s other platforms falls outside the role of the Facilities commissioner. For instance, Montalvo wants to improve university police’s relationship with students by asking UCPD to put on sensitivity training, but this is better left to a general representative or the internal vice president.

Montalvo’s platform for a green student group cooperative is also problematic – many environmental groups already work together; bringing them together through the Facilities Commission is unnecessary.

Still, Montalvo demonstrated more capability than his opponent to use the Facilities Commission office to create substantive change for students.

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  1. The reason why Armen’s platforms are ‘narrow’ is because he wants to ensure they are FEASIBLE as he made clear during debates. They are well researched to ensure that they can be carried out within the next year. I am bewildered as to HOW the Daily Bruin has not even taken into account Armen Hadjimanoukian’s extensive experience.

    1. Although feasible, he has hackneyed ideas. They’ve already been done. And for that, the Daily Bruin said NEXT.

      1. Sure DB said next, but what will Anthony actually bring next?

        I still see a lack of actual platforms…
        -The Green Co-Op as the DB says has no significance
        -Student Voice Transportation: what does this even mean? Oh yeah… Anthony is really going to be able to stop increasing parking rates!
        -Repair & Serve: because Anthony is going to educate our police? And repave streets?
        -Campus Amplified: It is expected that the commissioner advocates for more spaces…

        I prefer Armen’s “narrow-short platforms” that will actually affect me as a student on a day to day basis. The DB said it themselves “he could easily achieve”. Let’s get Armen into office so that we have these tangible amenities!

        1. Anthony’s strength is working on making this campus safer for students who report higher rates of harassment and discrimination, specifically the LGBTQ community.

          As a straight ally, I commend him for doing that.

          This may not affect you on a “day to day” basis, but it doesn’t mean we should ignore those that need our help.

          While I applaud Armen’s enthusiasm and experience, I am ready to vote for Anthony!

          1. With all due respect, study after study has shown that LGB safety is not a big issue at UCLA. As a straight ally, I understand that it is a larger problem elsewhere, but not here. While I applaud Anthony’s dedication to such issues, his ideas are not what are needed for this position. Armen provides change that will be noticed by all students, not just the LGB community.

          2. No, I can assure you I am correct. You have probably bought the propaganda put out by our LGBT center here on campus, but they are very smart and know that if they can convince the administration and student population in general that there is still much hostility towards their community that they will continue to receive funding. Let’s not be blinded by the self-interest of those who run the center on campus and go back to actually caring about our LGB students and the larger picture.

  2. This endorsement is a joke. Armen is clearly the better candidate.
    He and the rest of the Bruins United slate will bring the change you all really need.

  3. This endorsement shows me that it seems the Daily Bruin doesn’t understand the responsibilities of the Facilities Commissioner.

    It is written in the USAC bylaws that the Facilities Commissioner is responsibility for sustainability.

    Anthony Montalvo has zero feasible and direct platforms about sustainability. I repeat-ZERO!

    Armen wants to create tangible changes on this campus. His platforms are just that-tangible change!

    Oh and if someone from the Daily Bruin sat in on endorsements or debates they would have heard that Armen will increase the number of gender neutral restrooms and improve the current signage for them as well. It is extremely important that this be done but I just want to point out that this will not impact nearly as many students as a brand new reusable cup option or a thrift shop.

    For anyone at debates they can echo my sentiment that Anthony Montalvo is extremely unqualified and lacks a passion for the Facilities Office.

    This endorsement is disappointing and as a someone who really loves the Facilities Office, it’s unfair.

    Don’t tell the chief of staff or someone who has spent so much time in the Facilities Office that they don’t understand the role of the Facilities Commissioner. Armen more than understands it, he lives it.

  4. Armen is clearly the more well suited candidate for the position. He is charismatic, passionate, and willing to come up with creative ideas to make our campus more practical for all students. He has the student body in mind and he truly loves UCLA and would work twice as hard as his other opponents. He is the guy that will get the job done and do it well because he cares and wants to make our campus better. VOTE ARMEN!!!!

  5. Armen’s Platforms:

    1. Campus Trift Shop – I love Macklemore as much as the next guy, but lets be real, never ever will an on campus thrift shop compare to the giant Goodwill just 10 minutes away. Don’t understand what I mean? Well we have an on-campus boba place and barber shop – who EVER goes to those instead of somewhere else in LA?
    2. “Reinvent the ASUCLA reusable coffee cup” – incentivizing coffee cup use (eg: $.20 off your drink) is MUCH more feasible and practical than “reinventing” a reusable mug. Cheaper mugs will lead to more consumption and wasting! If I buy a mug for <$5, how much will I care if I lose it? Not much. And then I'll just buy a new one – THAT is waste. On the hill they gave students all FREE reusable water bottles. And they are STILL mostly lost within a few weeks.
    3. Charging Lockers – A more blanket and less expensive solution could just be installing more outlets around Ackerman/ other places.

    Anthony's Platforms:

    1. The Green Co-op – As a member of E3, I think Anthony is more qualified than the DB to say what is and isn't useful for green orgs on campus. As someone who has been involved with quite a few, I believe there is real need for these clubs to have access to USAC resources and support. It just makes sense – why should USAC work alone on sustainability issues when there are passionate, innovative student orgs trying do the same, who just don't have the same strength? Rather than the short term actions of his opponent (like creating a new coffee mug!), Anthony's proposal for a green co-op will invest in a number of student groups to do what THEY do and know best.
    2. Student voice in Transportation
    3. Gender neutrality
    4. UCPD sensitivity training

    I'm not making opinionated comments on Anthony's last three items, because I don't feel qualified and/or knowledgeable enough to do so. But they're all ideas that I HAVEN'T heard before. And they invest in the human capital we have here at UCLA, rather than just creating short term solutions. I can't deny that some of Anthony's platforms don't have enough research to back them up, but they show creative thought to meet the needs of students – unlike some of Armen's. My vote goes to creativity.

    1. I’m with you 100%! My vote goes to Anthony – not because he’s the best person for the job, but because he’s the best out of the two options we have.

  6. Do you think Armen has never purchased anything in a disposable cup on campus? I’m sure Armen’s platforms are backed up with just as much (if not more) unsubstantiated environmentalism.

  7. There’s a boba store in Ackerman, but it’s terrible, so I always go to Westwood or Sawtelle. If there was a thrift shop in Ackerman, I’m sure it’d be comparable circumstances.

    1. Jason Smith, a SF! gen rep, had a thrift shop/swapmeet type of thing, and although I commend him for that, not many people showed up. In fact, I don’t remember any Bruins United people there. Hm.

      If you’re going to steal ideas, at least give credit where credit is due.

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