Feb. 27, 2012 – This past Saturday, artists David Burns, Matias Viegener and Austin Young led
a fruit meditation at the Armand Hammer Museum in Westwood. Burns, Viegener and
Young collaborate on several fruit-related projects under the title Fallen Fruit. Some of their
projects include making maps of “public fruit,” or fruit that can be picked by the public, in
neighborhoods; nocturnal fruit forages, in which the three lead a group of people in picking
public fruit just after nightfall; and public fruit jams, in which people come together with their
own fruit to make different kinds of jam. Their workshop at the Hammer Museum was Fallen
Fruit’s first fruit meditation, which had about 30 participants. Daily Bruin Radio attended and
observed the meditation.
Corresponding A&E blog post: Public Fruit Meditation helps participants make best of life’s lemons