Water problems that have long plagued California. What the state doesn’t need right now, though, is another free giveaway masked as a solution.

Proposition 3 is the newest in a long line of spending for water infrastructure that has yet to produce any results. It’s a bond measure that, if passed, would authorize almost $9 billion for various water related infrastructure projects. The measure would also draw money from California’s general fund and earmark money for projects within disadvantaged communities, defined as having a median annual household income that is less than 80 percent of the state’s median income.

But there have been eight statewide bond measures since 1996 aimed at fixing water issues in the state. Adding up to a total of $29 billion, one would expect the state’s water issues to have substantially improved. Despite that, California continues to suffer from a wide gamut of water-related problems, with little to no progress despite the billions spent.

Proposition 3 is no different, serving as a free giveaway follows a clear pattern of free giveaways totaling in the billions. California needs better and clearer water legislation written by the state legislature. In its current form, this proposition does not provide enough specifics. In reality, only the state legislature has the ability to write a bill with a comprehensive enough plan to ensure effective results instead of special interest payouts.

Because of its similarity to other failed bills and its lack of specificity, this board does not endorse Proposition 3.

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