The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government representing the undergraduate student body at UCLA. Council meetings take place every week on Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students.
- The council passed a resolution introduced by General Representative 1 Nicole Corona Diaz that called on the university to provide better working conditions for valet workers at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and provide full-time employment to contracted workers who are currently working at the medical center.
- The council approved a bylaw change that mandates Title IX sexual assault training for all USAC members.
- The council allocated a total of $8,513 to USAC and non-USAC groups from the Contingency Progamming Fund. The council also allocated $750 from the Student Wellness Programming Fund to the Diabetes Education and Training Workshop.
- The council appointed Leslie Lopez, a fourth-year sociology student, as its communications director.
- The council appointed Sam Ryklansky, a third-year computer science student, to the UCLA Advisory Board on Data Protection.
- The council appointed Joshua Feldman, a first-year business economics student, to the Campus Programs Committee, which funds community service projects.
- The council also appointed Haidy Beshay, a third-year biology student, as the chair of the Office Space Allocation Committee.
- USAC President Arielle Yael Mokhtarzadeh said her office is hosting a town hall called “What Happened to Student Government? – A Town Hall” from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in De Neve Auditorium on Friday to discuss how USAC can better address students’ concerns.
- Internal Vice President Vivy Li said the USAC Live! YouTube channel has been moved to a new channel called DEPT usaclive, which can only be accessed with a email address.
- Facilities Commissioner Zahra Hajee said her office is opening up Pauley Pavilion as a study space for finals week from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. from Dec. 10 to Dec. 14.
- External Vice President Chloe Pan said her office is now accepting applications to attend the 2018 Students of Color Conference, an annual conference for University of California student activists of color. This year’s SOCC theme is “Education is Liberation: Dignity, and a Life Without Fear.
- Financial Support Commissioner Aaron Boudaie said his office will hold an interview workshop Thursday from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Viewpoint Conference Room.
- Student Wellness Commissioner Christina Lee said her office and the Cultural Affairs Commission are co-hosting an event entitled “Global Comfort Foods and Mental Health Around the World” on Wednesday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Geology Building 3680. This event will explore different foreign foods and global approaches to mental health.
- General Representative 2 Kayla He said her office hopes to organize a career fair for international students in April and is currently surveying students to measure their interest in the project.