“Don’t take things out of context.”
“Don’t be quick to jump to conclusions.”
If I had a dollar for every time I heard one of these phrases, I wouldn’t be complaining about paying my out-of-state tuition anymore. But it is also phrases like these that I use to defend my inefficient lifestyle habits while still knowing how inefficient they really are. Humans can be hypocritical, take things out of context and quickly jump to conclusions. Apparently, even humans who write and give talks for a living do this too.
In a recent debate between staunch “meninist” and associate editor of Breitbart magazine Milo Yiannopoulos and hardcore feminist, journalist and Justice for Women co-founder Julie Bindel, Yiannopoulos made a remark that was surprising even for someone as outspoken as himself. “Feminism is cancer” rang through the ears of thousands of college students and hours later ended up all over my Twitter feed. My initial reaction was to fire back an angry chain of tweets, retweeting a picture of Yiannopoulos with devil’s ears that someone had so thoughtfully created. I couldn’t understand how fighting for gender equality could be equated with cancer. It wasn’t until I actually watched the snippet of the debate where he made this remark that I realized what kind of feminism he was talking about.
Put a radical feminist and a harshly opinionated conservative together and it becomes the perfect recipe for disaster (shocking, I know). Surprisingly, as I watched clips of the debate with a burning distaste towards Yiannopoulos, I started to realize that it wasn’t a bad combination after all. His love for Bindel was both confusing and overwhelming, as he claimed that the feminism apparent in her generation is not apparent in modern feminism today.
Julie Bindel is a controversial feminist. She’s made her fair share of outrageous remarks, saying in an interview that she would “put men in some kind of camp where they can all drive around in quad bikes, or bicycles, or white vans.” If this isn’t absurd enough to make you cringe, then the fact that she also said men can be put into camps, checked out like a book from the library by women and then brought back definitely will. Her ideas are much more radical than the feminism that is prevalent today. The feminism that is prevalent today aims for gender equality. Celebrities such as Emma Watson have launched effective campaigns such as “He for She,” which blossomed through Watson’s realization that “fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating.”
It’s interesting to see how Yiannopoulos claims that such thinking is only associated with modern feminists, even though it also rings true to feminists like Julie Bindel. Yiannopoulos describes modern feminism as “female chauvinism.” According to him, statements from feminists such as “Masculinity so fragile” or “Kill all white men” (with no doubt a bit of exaggeration) are what make up modern feminism today. He also attacks feminists on the opposite side of the spectrum, the less-extreme activists who advocate only for gender equality and not sacrificing men in pits of fire.
One can conclude a few things based off of Yiannopoulos’s remarks. His word choice was, without a doubt, not well thought out. He may even need a lesson or two on how to make appropriate analogies before he compares a life-threatening disease to a gender equality movement. Additionally, the feminism he thinks is spreading among the masses is actually only prevalent in a minority of the population. Yes, the fact that this even exists is wrong in itself, as there is nothing boastful about wanting to throw men in camps and treat them as if they were animals. There is nothing appealing about advocating for the rights of a woman by taking away the rights of a man. However, it is also wrong to identify all feminists as female chauvinists because of a few radical feminists.
Yiannopoulos is also missing another major point. It turns out he’s worse at choosing a stance on the issue than he is at grammar constructs – he claims that the less radical form of feminism, the one that aims to create gender equality, is also wrong. This more common version of feminism is, to him, “female chauvinism,” even though it is emphasizes a focus on decreasing the gap between men and women, and not placing women on a pedestal while pushing men down.
Basically, it’s a lose-lose situation. Yiannopoulos cannot make up his mind about feminism, which makes it hard to decide whether he thinks it should even exist. Yiannopoulos loves Bindel, as he says, “her brand of feminism is not a threat to free speech.” This is contradictory, as Bindel hates men, and Yiannopoulos hates third-wave feminists, who, like feminists before them, have been accused of hating men. To make it even better, he doesn’t appreciate women that simply want to fight for gender equality. There is no correlation between his ideologies and the ideologies of other feminists that he appreciates or depreciates. Yiannopoulos criticizes feminists for “man-hating,” while showing his support for radical feminists such as Bindel. His basic ideology is hard to decipher, as his stance on what feminism should be and what it actually is keeps changing.
With that being said, it’s frightening to see the beliefs that people such as Yiannopoulos and Bindel are instilling into young minds, and even more frightening to see that it is because of people like them that men fear the word “feminism.” Feminism is not what either of them aspire for it to be. There is no give-and-take mechanism involved in the treatment of men and women. It is an insult to say that one gender is not entitled to the respect it deserves, or to say that that one gender can only be given its due respect by demeaning another.
I’m a feminist and I definitely agree with Yiannopoulos; what feminism has become today is terrifying. 1st and 2nd wave feminists have basically won the battle of getting rid of sexism by law (the right to vote, the right to be paid equally, etc.), to which we are all thankful. 3rd wave feminists, on the other hand, push false statistics like the wage gap (if one controls for the relevant variables, the gap disappears) and the campus rape epidemic (it’s not 1 in 5, it’s more like 1 in 43; 1 in 5 implies colleges are like the war-torn Congo), and advocate to punish unintentional small slights (microaggressions) such as ‘you hit like a girl’. I don’t agree with any of these things, and if we’re serious about women’s equality, we need to be more rigorous in what we advocate for. What makes today’s feminists so terrifying is that they are NOT just a small minority, but a sizeable group that is growing and becoming more vocal about pushing these statistics, while shutting down others’ dissenting opinions. This, to me, is not feminism but fascism disguised as women’s rights advocacy.
Well said, I wish I could give you more up-votes.
I gave her one more upvote. She should consider calling herself other than “feminist”. The word has become so perverted and twisted it creates a chemical reaction in people’s brains when people hear it. Try “egalitarian” instead. That’s what I am.
So you don’t like the word? Egalitarian assumes we have a perfectly level playing field and everyone should be treated equally because there are no barriers…
If you have a foot race where one person is in shackles and the race is half over with… shackled person went 10 feet and the un shackled person went 50 yards…. the egalitarian would remove the shackles and let the race continue… cause fair is fair..and we don’t want to treat them differently –even though one is still 47 yards behind.
Here’s what’s wrong with egalitarianism.
You have a lot of rhetoric but no facts. Suggest you do a little deeper reading than the funny papers.
And your facts are where?
You would have to demonstrate that the image has any basis in fact and how, before I would comment on something from your victim diary. This country has a free market capitalist economy, which is based on merit….your link is better served by a communist govt where individual results are equalized….suggest you move to North Korea.
I’m sorry do my facts not agree with your feelings?
“your link is better served by a communist govt where individual results are equalized bla bla bla North Korea”
No it’s not, that just shows your lack of understanding. It’s not about “equal outcome” it’s about equal OPPORTUNITY.
Maybe stop writing in your diary of denial… and being triggered like the whiny victim you are when people talk about real objective facts you don’t wanna hear.
Feelings, denial, whiny, triggered. Do you really think all your misdirection has any impact on the reality that you have no facts on your side ? I’ve consistently asked for facts and you provide ad hominem. Typical.
Just calling it like I see it. Sorry if the truth bothers… can I say “bothers” you? Or are you going to call that “misdirection?” I’m not the only one who sees the irony in a bunch of whiny diaper crapping emotive delicate broflakes talking about their feelings about why other people shouldn’t have feelings or something.
Who’s talking about their feelings ? You consistently lay down rhetoric with no facts, and then brag about facts. Think of it this way, if one was to remove your strawmen arguments and adhominem attacks, there’s nothing left to your posts.
Calling feminism “cancer” is clearly based on peer reviewed science rather than feelings about it.
As far as the image being based in fact what do you need me to prove that slavery and Jim Crow happened? You really need me to prove that white people in the US benefited from it?
The number one predictor of a person’s income is their parent’s income in the US. More than in most developed countries. Do you think that Jim Crow which happened in our parents and grand parents lifetimes had zero effect on their incomes and opportunities and subsequently those of their children?
Or do you need me to prove that things in the recent past have an effect on things in the present? Most of us learn that when we are toddlers right after object permanence.
Wow, nice attention span. Nobody actually believes feminism is cancer…or do you ? lol. You come back 10 months later to spew this nonsense ? I dont even know what your point is, but keep talking, it’s pretty funny.
Equal opportunity is not what you’re talking about. You want everyone to start from the same point every day. That isn’t how life works or has ever worked. Something always has an advantage, and everything is a continuum.
A new race begins everyday.
But some people start at the finish line of that new race with a race car and others are behind the starting line behind a razor wire fence.
What foolish way to view it? So what, you want it given to you like the people you hate. Where does anyone have a better chance than here?
Why do so many people want to come here, and why do they do better here than where they came from.
The race starts every day for everyone else but you because you have to do better than everyone else or you won’t get off the couch.
To paraphrase Ben Shapiro: “You cannot fix a historic injustice with a modern-day injustice.”
The truth is, EVERYONE and their brother has inevitably suffered some sort of grave injustice at some point in time throughout history. Should Christians be asking for reparations from Rome because their ancestors were fed to the lions? At what point does one draw the line and who is to be the judge of the extent of the injustice and the appropriate compensation for said injustice? Is it fair to commit injustices in the present to “right” injustices of the past? I hardly think so.
Here is an excerpt from Jordan Peterson’s excellent book “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos that is extremely pertinent to the dilemma you are attempting to address:
“Disabled people should make as much as non-disabled people. OK. On the surface, that’s a noble, compassionate, fair claim. But who is disabled? Is someone living with a parent with Alzheimer’s disabled? If not, why not? What about someone with a lower IQ? Someone less attractive? Someone overweight? Some people clearly move through life markedly unburdened with problems that are beyond their control, but it is a rare person indeed who isn’t suffering from at least one serious catastrophe at any given time–particularly if you include their family in the equation. And why shouldn’t you? Here’s the fundamental problem: GROUP IDENTITY CAN BE FRACTIONATED RIGHT DOWN TO THE LEVEL OF THE INDIVIDUAL. That sentence should be written in capital letters. Every person is unique–and not just in a trivial manner: importantly, significantly, meaningfully unique. Group membership cannot capture that variability. Period.”
In other words; you’re so caught up with your victim-hood identity that you associate with being a female that you fail to recognize the very real and concrete problems that men suffer, both historically, and in the present.
Who goes off to fight and die in wars? What was the phrase that was uttered when the Titanic was sinking? “WOMEN and children first.” I hardly think being the ones forced to die violent deaths or perish by drowning in freezing waters constitutes “privilege”.
It’s not all fun and games being a man, but you’re clearly too self-absorbed to even consider anyone else’s problems as you’re too concerned worrying about the ones that you IMAGINE yourself to face.
“2nd wave feminists have basically won the battle of getting rid of sexism by law”
Right because when we make a law against something it magically disappears. That’s why there are no illegal drugs, no rape, no murder or theft… and no one downloads pirated movies here in the US.
Yay we won we can all go home!
Christ what’s wrong with you?
What’s your point?
That your “sexism is over because they made a law” argument is retarded and makes no sense. That’s my point.
It isn’t. So basically what you’re looking for is a “Demolition Man” style world, free of sexism and bad people upsetting your fee-fees with jokes and comments you don’t like?
Oh, that’s nice. Let me know how that works out for you.
YES That’s exactly it. Where Taco Bel won the restaurant wars and commercial jingles are the new songs!
Jesus what is it with anti-feminists and bizarre extremes? Only a sith thinks in absolutes. Is it ever OK to talk about some things that might be sexist and try to make them better? (ducks) …
Bizarre extremes? Yes, because that world I have depicted where “everything is racist, everything is homophobic, everything is sexist, and you got point it all out” is compete fantasy! People who think like that don’t exist!
In other words, a politically correct totalitarian nightmare isn’t something that could ever happen.
Nah, what was I thinking?
Nobody said “everything is sexist everything is homophobic…etc” that was a quote taken out of context. Anita Sarkeesian was talking about how obnoxious she acted when she was in college and NOT to be that way. (which was an obvious hyperbole) So if you don’t understand how sarcasm or hyperbole works and you quote mine partial sentences… then yeah feminists sound “extreme.”
However if you listen to anti-feminists “Everything is PC Everything is Social Justice Everything is cultural Marxism and you have to point it ALL OUT…” They’re actually worse than what they straw man they turn feminism into.
Feminism is gendered bigotry. The only way feminists gain power is by lying about men and women in the most monstrous of ways. Women generally don’t deserve the same respect as ‘men’ as do men because simply will not and/or cannot win that respect as ‘men’ because women.
Anti feminism is gendered bigotry. The only way anti-feminists gain power is by lying about women in the most monstrous of ways.
“Women generally don’t deserve the same respect as ‘men’ as do men because simply will not and/or cannot win that respect as ‘men’ because women.”
What are you babbling about? Try to make sense. THEN type.
Let’s play the Darknut word twisting game, shall we?
Feminism is gendered bigotry. The only way feminists gain power is by lying about men in the most monstrous of ways.
You’re a very angry person, Dark. I hope you get the help you need someday.
Your words were twisted to begin with. Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
You saying “feminism bad” in different ways over and over isn’t an argument.
It is when you use it to power a revolutionary movement!
They’ll get theirs soon enough, just like the porky corporatists supporting them.
Oh kay (backs aways slowly) But you know tin foil blocks their thought rays so you should be safe!
Feminism is Cancer, I agree with Milo, and the feminism we see nowadays is the feminism that says ‘believe anything a woman says’ or, ‘remove prison for women’ And nice of you putting Emma watson and her ‘men should work for women’ campaign as an example of good feminism, did she pay you with all that tax money she has avoided to pay?
You forgot the “anti” ANTI-FEMINISM IS CANCER.
you forgot the Anti-Anti
Nowhere does it say “believe anything a woman says.” Rather listen to her as much as you would a man which we don’t. And “remove prison for women” is “cancer?’ how?
women should go to jail for crimes, darknut
Who says they shouldn’t, Russell?
I see the issue that is preventing you from understanding Yiannopoulos’s love for Bindel. As controversial as he is, he appreciates that other people have viewpoints that are offensive to him.
Perhaps in your view, two people with staunchly different ideologies must be enemies and can not show any appreciation to the other, lest they be seen sympathizing with the enemy. But in Milo’s view, as long as they support free speech, he doesn’t care if they want to “put all the men in camps” or “hate men”. He loves that despite their crazy ideologies, they support open discourse.
Modern feminism too often tries to shame or protest in order to prevent speech. Milo believes this is because modern feminism is wrong and trying to hide its flaws by shutting down speech outside of acceptable language. It is possible that modern feminism is right. The best way to prove that is to show it repeatedly and challenge through discourse, and not one-sided talks disguised as one.
“Modern feminism too often tries to shame or protest in order to prevent speech”
No it doesn’t.
What about her “speech?”
No shame or protest there right? If a feminist makes a peep, the army comes out with torches and pitch forks. “Muh Free speech waaaah”
no, the femifacists, not the feminists use crap to block speople from entering and cause disruptions
So did you see the time where Milo went to his own protest? He went with a mask and you clearly hear maybe a hundred libtards telling him to take his hate speech off the campus. A debate isn’t hate speech. Same thing when a police officer prevented conservative speaker Ben Shapiro from entering the campus. Also when a feminist makes a peep, it’s most likely a lie. You keep citing such stupid websites for your cause, please go back to the .gov stuff.
The fundamental aspects of feminism that Milo consistently rails against is the false narratives on pay gap, rape statistics and the feminist tactic of censorship to silence debate. It speaks volumes that this post in no way attempts to justify the main thrusts of Milo’s anti-feminist stance. Maybe next time the author could rationally explain the pay gap which is primarily due to womens choices and working fewer hours, the ridiculous rape statistics that feminists try to pass of as fact and why feminists are so averse to open debate and prefer censorship and protest histrionics.
on pay gap… not false
rape statistics… What feminists are making false claims there? The CDC?
censorship to silence debate? Where? Who’s “censoring” anybody?
Feminists know full well women “make different choices bla bla bla” and don’t claim otherwise. The only “false narrative” is that antifeminist dregs keep accusing them of saying things they’re not saying.
But then why do you suppose they make those “choices” hmmm? Choices kind of depend on what OPTIONS you have and some are easier and harder to make than others. Choices aren’t made in a vacuum.
The pay gap was about 40% in 1965. It has gone steadily down to where it is now ~22%… so what changed? Was it women’s brains? Did their brain chemistry change during that time?
Of course not. So SOMETHING outside their brains changed. Hmmm what could that be? It must be something. And if that “something” changed that much… why can’t it change the rest of the way? Would that be so awful?
The obvious answer is women started working more hours since 1965. As it stands today, women still work 20% fewer hours than men according to the Bureau of Labor’s own statistics. They have that choice because many men and women still believe it is valuable to raise your own kids, rather than outsource it. So you can something, something, something all you want. Present facts or quit crying.
I presented facts, and you’re presenting crying. You poor poor special snowflake, did I trigger you? Do you need a safe space? Sorry to invade your fact free bubble.
Crying ? You consider facts by the Bureau of Labor that contradict your victim mentality crying ? btw snowflakes and safe spaces are for libtards.
Find me one serious economist that takes the wage gap seriously. Just one please. Thanks.
Well here’s a PHD in economics who is the top advisor to the DEPT OF LABOR…busting your bullshit pay gap denial myths
You’re welcome.
Now please show me one serious economist who says it doesn’t exist. Just one please. Thanks.
Yeah LOL is right.
There isn’t a damn thing in that nonsense which proves that women are getting paid less than men because of discrimination or sexism. Its like women are getting paid less! Bad! Discrimination! Well, no actually – like there has been shown a gazillion times, there’s reasons for that. But once again – when presented with these reasons your average feminist adopts the typical “la la la I can’t hear you” stance. They so desperately want to blame the straight white male or the big bad Patriarchy for their own failings, rather than owning up to the fact that they just don’t earn as much as men. Nah, that couldn’t be the reason! Its the Patriarchy!
So, please go show me a serious economist who has produced a peer reviewed study which proves that women are getting paid less due to sexism, and not due to the fact they work different jobs and make different life choices.
I know you’ll probably adopt your usual “la la la I can’t hear you” stance, but try and educate yourself? Start below..
…in fact if you read your own link, the Harvard Economists says the “motherhood penalty” is a “very large factor.”
Fathers get a career bonus for having kids and mothers get a career penalty.
it’s proven by peer reviewed science
So yes much of the pay gap IS because of “big bad patriarchy” after all! Discrimination comes in many forms from passing up the same resumes with female names on them to unfair societal expectations for mothers vs fathers.
Lol even your own facts don’t agree with your feelings.
Umm, okay so what you’re saying is:
1.Women have kids and need to take time off as a result
2.Women fall back in the careers as a result from having said kids (perfectly natural considering they could potentially be missing from the workplace for an average of 2 years..)
3.Because they’ve been missing from their careers for in some cases years, their paychecks will suffer as a result relative to men who’ve been showing up day in day out while the woman has been absent givining birth and tending to her kids.
4.But this discrepancy in pay is not down to biology, conscious choices and women being absent for long stretches of their careers due to pregnancy, but Patriarchy, sexism and discrimination.
Is the above correct?
1.Women have kids and need to take time off as a result
Men have kids too. Not sure if you had that talk but it takes 2 people to make that happen generally. Why ONLY WOMEN have to take time off as a result? Why ONLY WOMEN are penalized for it? (I mean beyond the relatively short time to give birth and recover).
“perfectly natural considering they could potentially be missing from the workplace for an average of 2 years”
Why ONLY WOMEN? Surely sometime during that 2 years the father could take an EQUAL AMOUNT OF TIME OFF right? If not, why not is there something in your penis that forces you to not spend that much time with your kids?
“Because they’ve been missing from their careers for in some cases years, their paychecks will suffer as a result relative to men who’ve been showing up day in day”
How come ONLY MEN got to “show up day to day?” THEY HAVE KIDS TOO. In fact for every kid a woman has a man has one too unless one of them dies.
So 100% of your “argument” is based on purely arbitrary patriarchal norms you just accept like they’re immutable written in stone physical laws.
They’re not.
Thanks for proving my point.
in total women take off a few moths for kids. It’s cause women are the nursers and have biological differences, and tend to have different brains.
In civilized countries men take time off too and it helps everyone. It’s purely cultural how we decide that because it’s different from culture to culture. There’s nothing “biological” that says men can’t take paternity leave.
Another Men’s right feminist have been fighting for.
not merely cultural. Who nurses, and who is biologically wired to care for teeny infants?
Who tends to take care of newborns , even in nature
The pay gap is false. Get over it.
No, the pay gap is true.
Deal with it.
But the pay gap has been so incredibly missunderstood that feminists use it as a valid argument. The truth is, the pay gap that everyone refers to also conciders the amount of hours worked (for example, if you go on vacation you will not get payed for it, since you’re not working) and the job that you’re working (men tend to work higher risk but higher paying jobs) but when people refer to the pay gap they say that men and women gat payed differently for the exact same job, which is not true, it’s infact ILLEGAL to pay someone less because of their skin color, gender etc. And what i just said has been proven to be true countless times, so there’s really nothing you can combat that with
The biggest most dishonest “misunderstanding” of the pay gap is that it’s “false” or “means nothing.”
It is, based on observable measurable facts, a perfectly valid argument for feminism. The head in the sand reactionary denial of this is akin to evolution and global warming denial. It exists. It is indicative of a number of things in our culture that collectively add up to real social and economic inequality that still exist. Not some magic or genetic “choices” that women somehow collectively make in a vacuum to be dismissed.
the facts of what major and part time and time off
You and Milo yelling and whining “false narratives” over and over doesn’t count as “facts.”
“The obvious answer is women started working more hours since 1965.”
“Women still work 20% fewer hours than men according to the Bureau of Labor’s own statistics. They have that choice because many men and women still believe it is valuable to raise your own kids, rather than outsource it. ”
So either women do at least 20% more unpaid labor at home, or it’s “outsourcing?” Those are your choices and you can’t see any difference there? LOL
You do realize men AND women have the kids right? You never had that “talk” about how they are made? Your “answer” even if we take your ridiculously over simplified excuse as the gospel, doesn’t explain the difference in so called “choices” they have.
Feminists have facts, and you have whiney excuses. “But but but hours but but..”
What “false narratives” about rape statistics? Citation please!
What “censorship?” Who’s “censoring” poor Milo, exactly?
Sound like all the whining and crying are on your end. “I get called out on my bullshit Waaah censorship waaaah”
Anti-feminist are the whiniest most put upon easily offended little special snowflakes I’ve ever laughed at.
What’s unpaid work ? Does that assume women contribute equally to household expenses ? cause if they dont, that work is not unpaid. btw, we know they dont. Let’s start with the president stating that 1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted in college. False narrative….brought to you by feminist propaganda. I can provide any details and citations on any subject you like….what’s clear is you have no studies or data that support your victimology.
“What unpaid work?” The majority of parenting, and household work.
“Does that assume women contribute equally to household expenses?”
As a matter of fact, yes it does. In cases where women even make MORE and contribute MORE to household expenses they in fact tend to also do more of the housework so nice try, but you’re still not making sense.
But even if the straw you’re trying to grasp was there, is the “difference in expenses” really equal to an actual market price if you hired someone to do that work? If not then it’s free labor.
What you are stating is patently false, and it’s actually hilarious you would come back 2 years later and post articles from Time and Atlantic. Do you not understand what a peer reviewed study means ?
Hilarious calling any anti-feminist “special snowflakes” when SJW’s are the worst around. Feminists have facts? Of course they do *cough* wage gap *cough* 1 in 5 raped.
Kill yourself.
Cancer doesn’t kill itself directly, but it does eventually kill it’s host – in this case, society.
Yes anti-feminism does kill society. Or rather holds it back in the dark ages.
you, sir, are a cocky retarded baby. If the wage gap is false (and so are most of the feminists claim) feminism should be made illegal since its actually harmfull towards men, and also women but thats debatable.
Milo, like most of us, just want people to use common sense. Screaming at people at they are racist, or bigots, sexist, or that somehow in 2016 there’s some massive conspiracy against women, is a mental illness at best, and outright lies at worst.
It’s 2016, not 1956.
That’s the first time I’ve ever seen “It’s 2016” being used as a valid argument. 😛
Yet for some reason when they put out the exact same resumes with Jennifer it doesn’t get any call backs but with John it does. Nope no sexism anywhere we can all go home feminism is dumb… dur der durrrr
And there are also tons of laws restricting male reproductive rights… and the number one killer of expectant fathers is their partners… oh wait that’s the other way around… but no there is no sexism at all la la la….
It’s all a big feminist conspiracy against men!
It is, actually. There isn’t ONE thing of merit that modern 3rd wave feminism has to say. Not a damn thing.
There isn’t ONE thing true about your bullshit denial. Not a damn thing.
Of course not. Nah, the wage is gap is real and is backed up by peer reviewed evidence from a mulitute of respected economists from places like Harvard and the London School of Economics.
Rape Culture is damn real also – 5/5 women will be brutally raped during the lives in the West, making other rape cultures like the Congo seem like a walk in the park.
Not to mention the multitude of laws that favour men over women, like the law which mandates that women can’t drive, whose opinion is only worth 1/10 of a man’s, and all the other misoynistic laws which oppresss women on an hourly basis.
Sorry Darknut, I got it wrong. We should all be feminists to right these wrongs.
That’s true, we should.
Glad to see you finally admitted modern feminism is utter bullshit, it took you two years, but better late than ever!
You forgot the “anti” modern anti feminism is utter bullshit. Feminism generally makes sense and is supported by peer reviewed science and common sense, though it triggers the “special” fee fees of a lot of reactionary idiots apparently.
Yeah it sure is “backed up by peer reviewed science”. Jesus, so Gender Studies (aka Man Hating 101) now counts as “peer reviewed science?” Wow.
Funny that everything you’ve spat out so far has been debunked, like your ridiculous “proof” of your so-called “wage gap”, which did little more than show that men make more than women overall, something which nobody disputes? Isn’t that interesting? Oh, isn’t it funny how literally nobody else agrees with you? Out of all the commenters, there isn’t one other of your comrades there to back you up? No doubt you’ve your excuses about why this is.
Couldn’t be that it’s actually YOU who is the “reactionary idiot” or anything?
Ah the “Laws that favor men over women” argument. Theyre equal on paper so all sexism is gone! Just like meth is illegal so yay the meth problem is solved! Duh der durrrr!
Oh right, so what do you want exactly? Utopia? How about getting things to a stage where they are “good enough?”, acknowledging that human beings aren’t perfect, but all in all, things are pretty good overall?
So “sexism” apparently exists, somewhere, under some rock, what then? How you going to achieve this mythical “sexism free” utopia, exactly? More feminism? More man-hating? More myths, lies and bullshit statistics like the Wage Gap and the Pink Tax? More pushing affirmative action and equality of outcome based laws and initiatives? Hows that working out for you? Keep going – people are sick of it, and we’re sick of you people too.
And what’s your take on the sexism against straight white men that’s spreading like a cancer through academia, like this..
I take you’ll condemn it wholeheartedly, since you hate “sexism” so much? I doubt it somehow, you’ll have your excuses ready no doubt, just like the nasty bigot you are.
Even if one disagrees with Milo’s points on feminism, you’ve got to give him credit for standing up for freedom of speech/expression. It’s from that right that everything else flows. The open marketplace of ideas is what make for rigorous debate and a much richer and smarter culture.
Yiannopoulos is not as right wing as he makes himself sound, he’s being more blunt and provocative to make his point on free speech and to attract attention. While feminism is mentioned a lot the real battleground is modernism vs post-modernism. Milo’s acid tongue cleverly deployed to provoke the post-modernists into reacting and exposing thier stupidity and hypocrisy, and it works very well. No one agrees with how they crash someone else’s party or how they try to stifle other peoples free speech.
They make the story every time, you could be forgiven for not actually knowing what Milo believes, because when it goes around social media and fringe news sites it’s always about crazy protesters making glorious fools of themselves.
Bindel, like Milo, is a provocateur. Her statement on men in camps is a ridiculous straw man of feminism.
The joke, already in poor taste, was widely taken as serious.
Thus, in the same way Milo is broadly-painted as a woman-hater, Bindel is broadly-painted as a man-hater.
But all of this would have been obvious if you had watched the debate through until the Q&A.
Thing is, Jonathan, it wasn’t a joke. And when someone tells you that she hates men, I take her at her word.
Probably the ONLY thing a woman says you conveniently cherry pick to believe.
no, her proposed tretment is not cherry picked
How can you take someone opinion seriously when they think meninism is a real thing and not just parody feminism.
Insane footage of the Milo protest at DePaul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC7YsLNKaKA
Ms. Jaladanki thx for taking the time and having the fortitude to write something that most likely filled your feed with ugliness.
The feminist lens simply makes people incapable of rational articulation outside that sphere. The author like so many others is too indoctrinated to see that her “movement” is a reductionist ideology that cannot create resolution because it is inherently divisive by deploying identity politics. It is not a platform to enhance empowerment for women. It is simply a tool to illustrate perceived oppression by “othering” based on classification. Despite all it’s ruminations about inclusiveness and inter-sectionalism it breaks down identity by how the mythical patriarchy (a feminist construct) curtails a victims ability to thrive. This is used to rationalize bad behavior by “feminists” like Bindel and absolve them of responsibility because they are a victim.
We have come to the point where even legitimate criticism of Feminism is an act of heresy. While the author likes to believe that this is simply a matter of a “few bad apples” in the radical camps, it’s simply not true. What Milo and others critical of the movement do is to illustrate/expose the propaganda that has been used by feminists and progressive liberals for decades to impact our society at every level. In this sense Milo is correct.
Feminism is very much like a cancer or more like a cult. It has infiltrated mass media, politics, academia and the court system. The education system is rife with feminist influence and college campuses where Yiannopoulos speaks are so full of virtue signalling “indoctrinees” of social theory as to be laughable. Hardly a few bad apples.
The truth is people all over are starting to wake up and see that feminism actually robs women of agency by telling them consistently that they don’t have a chance because the deck is stacked against them. It’s an easy sell because when one fails it’s much easier to blame an external source than take responsibility for your own shortcomings. Absolving people of responsibility for their choices and blaming “others” is hardly empowering.
HeforShe has been a horrible failure for good reason. Men already sacrifice for the women in their lives and pay a considerable cost for doing so. The feminist myth is that men die because the Patriarchy forces them to bury their “feelings”. The truth is most men work hard out of sense of honor and duty. They protect because they realize they (for the most part) have a physiological advantage over most women. Feminists will tell you it’s because they want to use their power to suppress and retain a sense of ownership over women. The truth is Fathers, Brothers, Uncles and cousins all want the women in their lives to succeed and be happy. We don’t need a trumped up mythology to want to emancipate the women in our lives from bad situations. We just do it.
Feminists purport that feminism is good for men, that’s a lie. It’s not good for anyone. It is based on divisiveness by it’s very nature. There are so many sects based upon classes of oppression that it is all but meaningless. The fact is feminism while it claims to unite people, does the exact opposite. It divides based on narrow common interest and destroys community. White feminists are castigated by trans-feminists, who are admonished by colored feminists. It doles out moral authority achieved simply by victim hierarchy and has nothing to do with equality.
Intersectionality is simply a desperate attempt to herd the different factions by paying them lip service and “acknowledging” their differing oppression. The power brokers are still privileged white women who dictate from their thrones a la Steinem.
Ironically in my younger days, I would have considered myself a feminist. Today I can firmly say that I am anti-feminist to the core and proud of it.
The anti-feminist lens simply makes people incapable of rational articulation outside that sphere. Milo, like so many others is too indoctrinated to see that his “movement” is a reductionist ideology that cannot create resolution because it is inherently divisive by deploying identity politics.
See I can do it too!
“Bla bla bla let me mansplain about what feminism is or isn’t when I obviously know NOTHING about it… bla bla ”
Pretty much covers your bad case of textual diarrhea there..
In reading your comments I must thank you with all sincerity in aiding the anti-feminist cause.
Nice try, but I’m pretty sure debunking your ridiculous bullshit isn’t “helping your cause.”
Continue spewing bile. It really is very helpful, once again thank you.
Debunking you and your cohort of being “intellectuals” was a piece of cake. Ideologues gonna spew garbage. You have no place in an intellectual channel. Go back to the VIEW.
You’re getting destroyed just give up now and save the embarrassment of getting even more destroyed beyond belief. all of these people are like hijackers while you’re like the world trade center.
I’m getting destroyed… Because reasons. Lol.
because facts and logic
“facts” and “logic” aren’t magic spells you can invoke by saying the words over and over. You actually have to have some.
You’ve literally provided nothing in the way of arguments yourself, anywhere, the best you can up is a laughable pdf from the US Department of Labor (a US governmental agency staffed by Liberal Arts majors, how surprising they would come up with this!) which proves nothing more than on aggregate women are paid less than men.
Oh, note that word “aggregate”, it’s kind of important. Nowhere have you provided any substantial peer review evidence whatsoever that woman are paid what they’re paid because they are women, or that this Gap is down to anything other than the freely undertaken choices made by women, made of their own volition.
That’s why you’ve been destroyed, you utter cretin.
And that’s why you and your cancerous kind are about as popular with normal people as a pedophile in a playground, or as welcome as a fart in a funeral.
And that’s why literally nobody agrees with you.
Women take less paying jobs and work more part time.
You put forth the claim. You carry proof burden
“The feminism that is prevalent today aims for gender *equality*.”
You keep using that word, but I don’t think you know what it means…
Oh, equal opportunity? Or equal outcome? Big difference.
Equal opportunity. Level playing field. That is what inter-sectional feminism is about whether you want to admit it or not.
Nobody is talking about enforcing equal outcome. But when we see consistent unequal outcome it’s a good reason to look at what is going on behind it instead of ignoring the factors that lead to it and sweeping them under a rug while pretending we live in a perfect egalitarian meritocracy paradise.
“Nobody is talking about enforcing equal outcome.”
If you wish to ameliorate this alleged “pay gap” that is exactly what you’re going to have to do. The pay gap “mystery” has been uncloaked. Some women seem to want to be compensated for their career and life choices because “babies take time to raise”. Sorry, not paying for other people’s reproductive choices. If you don’t want to raise kids with husbands, and do it alone, then prepare to have less money and poorer living conditions. Women these days want to marry the state, be “strong and independent single mommies” and have taxpayers fund it all. Sorry, not everyone subscribes to that socialist “takes a village” mentality.
“bla bla bla because babies take time to raise…”. Citation please. Show me where you are getting THAT as the reason for the pay gap. The dept of your feelings?
Also why am I having to explain basic reproduction to anti feminists over and over. “Women’s babies” are also 100% EXACTLY AS MUCH MEN’S BABIES. Have you not had the mommies egg daddy’s sperm talk?
Did your parents not sign that note in 5th grade and it’s a mystery to you? Women don’t generally just “have babies” all by themselves.
So anything more than exactly the same career penalty IS SEXISM. Period.
So even your ridiculously reductionist explanation reveals plain in your face obvious to anyone not completely blind sexism. Again you prove the feminists point.
women are the ones who nurse, and take more time off because they popped it out their vages. They are the nursers. If mommy is single and daddy only made the kid, life has consequences for the lady who made a baby suboptimally. Females in nature are the ones who tend to care for the baies. Ya can’t legislate away certain biological things
They didn’t just “pop out” for NO REASON. Usually a man is involved…which is probably a mystery to you but I’m sure you can google it or something. Why does “life have consequences” only for the “lady who mad a baby suboptomally?” lol yeah she just “made it” all by herself. Takes two to tango there buddy.
This is what “abstinence only sex ed” does to people I guess. We really need better education.
Life is not fair. She knew when she was fertile. He didnt
She chose a bad man to make kids with. She has mor ways to make sure she hasn’t kids. She knows when shes fertile..
Nature and biology ain’t fair
Yes but even un egalitarian countries women still have a maternity setback
Milo is spot on.
Few bad apples?? Anita has 650000+ twitter followers. Clementine Ford has more than 1 million FB likes. You call these few bad apples?
And you think the best way for shedding men hating image of feminism is by asking men to do it? HeForShe???
“Anita” hasn’t said a single “man hating” thing. There’s nothing “bad” about her work. She EARNED all that recognition because she makes sense even though it’s heresy to say anything is sexist in the triggered broflake cult of Anti feminism.
has she ever lied?
I hate Milo (who doesn’t? Except for alt right minion), but on the topic of feminism, he is on point. The 3rd wave of feminism (the problem started from 2nd wave if you look at the history) is about focusing on non existent problems and self victimisation rather than actual problems. They don’t care about real problems in the eastern portion of the world map that women face, but rather care about the mythical wage gap, the degrading “mansplaining”, etc. They do not accept that men have issues as well, but rather think women are the only people with REAL problems. They think men hitting women is not acceptable, but they don’t accept the fact that domestic violence against men are very prevalent as well (backed up by statistics from the Department of Justice). Just go to feminism hub like Jezebel (this website is cancer), and they talk about how they are proud that they have hit men before (their words not mine). They refuse to accept that women participate in sexism as well, but they think men are spawns of devil born to bring down every women in this world. The vocal modern “feminists” are cancerous plain and simple. The real egalitarian are being silenced by these narrow minded drones.
Literally none of that is true. They focus on all kinds of problems that do exist whether the Flat Earth anti feminists keep denying them or not.
You offer zero evidence that they “do not accept that men have issues as well” (“as well?”) so you admit that the issues feminists bring up are real. I’d love to see some quotes from prominent feminist authors saying “men do not have any issues.”
It’s just a big tirade illustrating how 3rd wave feminist facts don’t agree with your feelings.
So the evidence in your eyes, visible at Jezebel, doesn’t exist. You are either intellectually dishonest, or willfully blind. Typical of your Ilk. I knew that flaw would eventually be revealed.
Feminism is cancer. Is an ideology of hating men based on lies. It also hurts women who end up trying to be like men but cannot because a thing called secual dimorphism. It also destroys the planet as couples make less waste than single people per person.
“feminism is cancer” you forgot the “anti-”
Anti-feminism is cancer. The ideology of hating feminism based on lies. There I fixed it for you.
“Bla bla secual dimorphism”. Lol. Yeah slow down there maybe learn to spell it before opining sweeping conclusions about it Mr professor amateur anthropologist. Rofl
try attacking something other than a typo, and attack intrisicalities, fool. We hate the breeds of it it based on ITS lies. Fixed THAT for you.
I’m a woman. I honestly think feminism is stupid. Hate me. Modern feminists are empowering woman at the extent of men. In this world, little girls are told they can be anything. Which is true. However, one can easily observe that nobody tells this to little boys. Another example would be in court. If a woman went to a judge and said a man raped her, the woman would almost automatically win the case. They are given the benefit of the doubt just by feminism. And what if the man really didn’t rape her? Woman these days have too much power. They need to get over it. I’m not saying woman should only live to serve men, but they need to stop with their hilarious vagina power riots. Humanism is a better way to go. Humanism empowers EVERYBODY. Feminism is no longer about equality. It’s only about woman empowerment. Feminism is such a joke now. We need to stop giving our attention and empowering selfish woman, but to allow everybody to feel equal. Feminism is truly a sick joke.
feminists are fighting for sex equality, not gender equality. while doing so, they are glorifying women and degrading men.
No they’re not. And no they’re not.
feminists claim they’re fighting for the equality of males and females. where do people who don’t identify with the binary fit in with this? and yes they are. no one can empower men any more without being called sexist.
Charles Henry:
“To paraphrase Ben Shapiro” LOL and there goes your credibility. But let’s humor the quote.
“You cannot fix a historic injustice with a modern-day injustice.”
First: What modern-day injustice?
But the big problem is the logic: Let me turn that around on you: “You cannot fix historic minority victim mentality with modern day white victim mentality.” See same logic –YOUR logic in fact. If it’s not OK to talk about injustice then why is Ben crying about it? Basically all he’s saying is we’re only allowed to talk about injustice when he thinks it affects HIM somehow. (cough #broflake cough)
Ben is a sophist. His “arguments” sound nice but they fall apart under the slightest critical thought.
Ten odd paragraphs and not even one solid point or argument made. Lots and lots of ad-hominems though, and shaming, but an actual argument? Why bother, when you can just call someone a broflake?
There is a wage gap. Women who work THE SAME amount get paid less. You total dumbass.
in the same job with same experience, et all?
Yes. The difference is they’re more likely to be passed up for promotions with the same level of experience, theyre penalized for being moms (while dads are rewarded) and our culture still places a different set of expectations on men vs women. Thes facts have been proven over and over. I dont know why facts are so threatening to you. It is what it is. Nobody is crapping in your cornflakes.
moms tend to take time off more. Wome choose to take more parental leave. Even in more egaltarian countires, women make different choices. Taking tame off isn’t the same experience track. Single women take less parental leave any way
1 in 6 women are software engineers? Who gives a crap? Ever occur to anyone that maybe, juust maybe, that that’s because they have no interest in being software engineers? And the same goes for being executives? Why are there so few female entrepreneurs? Who is stopping any woman from setting up her own business and striking out on her own? Nobody – but they don’t do it because they don’t want to do it.
Why does nobody ever ask why the majority of childminders, nurses and school teachers are females? Because just like how women have less interest in being software engineers, men have no interest in those professions either.
Let me explain your “Wage Gap” to you.
So we look at a city and we find the amount women make vs the amount men make, taking into account the whole population. Simple division happens. We now see that women make 0.77 cents for every dollar a man makes. Done.
Now this doesn’t take into account the different CHOICES people make. For example:
Men work more dangerous jobs on average (more risk = more reward)
Men work longer on average
Men do not take maternity leave
Men work higher paying jobs on average
More men work on average
Men work more overtime on average
Thereby, taking a broad brush and declaring a wage gap is a stupid argument! Women absolutely dominate many lower paying jobs while men take the CEO jobs because women simply don’t work hard enough (on average). Rather then declaring a wage gap, you should encourage women to pursue STEM fields! Women are the ones literally choosing to get jobs that pay less, and you shouldn’t blame men for women’s choices. You claim to fight for gender equality but you never see feminists stressed about Child Custody, do you? Not often do you see a feminist complaining about how her date paid for the food. I would bash the rap statistics too, but those are so stupid they can’t be called statistics.
Yes, there is a wage gap but it’s because women choose lower paying jobs. That is a problem, more women should go for STEM fields. But what Darknut is saying? WRONG. The wage gap isn’t specific. It literally refers to the population of America as a whole.
Feminism isn’t about gender equality, it’s about amplifying traditional female privilege and male responsibilities.
WHY did he insult cancer