USAC recap – April 12

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government that represents the undergraduate student body at UCLA. Council meetings take place every week Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Watch a live stream of the meetings on the USAC Live! YouTube channel.

Agenda items

  • The council approved an allocation of $720 from the
    Contingency Programming Fund to USAC offices.
  • The council approved an allocation of $5,680 from the
    Contingency Programming Fund to student groups.
  • The council unanimously appointed Justin Jackson, a first-year business economics, political science and communication studies student, onto the USAC Judicial Board.

Special presentations

  • Financial Supports Commissioner Ruhi Patil said her office organized career fairs and resume workshops, established the calculator loan program and coordinated a subsidized bus trip to UC Berkeley over spring break.

Officer reports

  • President Heather Rosen said she will speak at Bruin Day to potential incoming students.
  • Internal Vice President Heather Hourdequin said profits from this week’s LGBTQ Pride Week events will support UCLA’s graduation ceremony for LGBTQ students.
  • Academic Affairs Commissioner Trent Kajikawa said his office launched a wireless survey intended to determine which areas on campus have connectivity issues.

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