Maral Bakir
First-year transfer, nursing
“Yes, and I find them useful. They give me ideas for brainstorming and check for grammar.”
Josh Rosenberg
First-year, business economics
“I tried to, and I was told it would be a weeklong wait (to sign up).”
Joe Roy
Second-year, pre-business economics
“No, because I haven’t sought them out.”
Daniel Baghdasarian
Second-year, biochemistry
“No, I don’t know about them at all.”
Christina Nguyen
Third-year, psychobiology
“No, because I don’t have to do much writing since I am a science major.”
Alina Shrestha
First-year transfer, anthropology
“Not yet, but I will later. They will help me find new ideas, and it is useful to talk to other people about writing.”