USAC Recap – March 8

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government of UCLA’s undergraduate students. Council meetings are Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students.

Special Presentations

“¢bull; Student Health Advisory Committee members told the council about their committee’s stance on the UC’s proposed consolidation of the student health insurance plans. They are concerned because the UC administration may potentially raise the cost of health insurance.


“¢bull; Finance Committee Chair Isaac Rose’s contingency allocations and capital contingency allocations were passed with a unanimous vote of 11-0-0.
“¢bull; The council passed a resolution in support of the California DREAM Act with a unanimous vote of 11-0-0.
“¢bull; The council unanimously passed another resolution commending the ASUCLA bookstore for licensing apparel from Alta Gracia, a company that pays a living wage to its workers abroad and creates healthy work environments. The resolution shows general support for working with companies like Alta Gracia and also denounces violations of human rights.
“¢bull; The council voted unanimously to meet during finals week.

Officer Reports

“¢bull; President Jasmine Hill spoke about the Pre-Professional Alumni Symposium to be held on March 30 in the James West Alumni Center. The event is intended to help pre-professional students get the resources they need to plan for their future careers and education.
“¢bull; Internal Vice President Stephanie Lucas talked about a recent report about student group funding, mentioning one finding that 97 percent of student groups are not applying for funding. She also talked about her office’s funding workshop last week, which raised concerns such as the issue that many students do not know they can receive funding for food.
“¢bull; External Vice President Cristopher Santos discussed his office’s efforts in getting students to vote in Tuesday’s local elections. He also mentioned that Chancellor Gene Block has agreed to come to a press conference on Monday at 2 p.m. in Bruin Plaza, where students will voice their support of the California DREAM Act.
“¢bull; Academic Affairs Commissioner Suza Khy told the council her meeting with the UC Regents will happen Wednesday and asked members of the council if there are any issues they want her to bring up.
“¢bull; Khy also talked about her office’s work with faculty and administrators to re-define the third Society and Culture general education requirement. The new plan would replace the current option of taking a second historical or social analysis course with a requirement to take a course that addresses community and conflict in the modern world.

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