What’s Bruin?: Friday, May 22, 2009

“¢bull; Three American soldiers and 12 Iraqis were killed on Thursday after a bomb exploded in the middle of a Baghdad market, the latest in a string of attacks that have claimed the lives of 66 people in Iraq over the last two days.

“¢bull; Steven Dale Green, a former U.S. soldier who was convicted of raping and killing a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and murdering her family, was spared from receiving the death sentence on Thursday.

“¢bull; In a speech Thursday, President Barack Obama defended his decision to close the Guantanamo detention facility after the Senate voted Wednesday to deny him funding to do so.

“¢bull; In an 86-3 vote on Thursday, the Senate approved a $91.3 billion bill to increase military operations and troop levels in Afghanistan.

“¢bull; In a court hearing on Thursday, four men who were arrested after planting mock explosive devices outside two New York City synagogues said they were disappointed that the World Trade Center towers are not still around to attack.

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