Writing II is still a requirement
Dear Editor,
I write to clarify a recent story (“Budget cuts suspend GE requirement,” Oct. 28) that may leave readers with a misunderstanding about the suspension of the UCLA College requirement for a General Education seminar.
The following is an accurate statement of the action taken:
The Faculty Executive Committee of the College suspended the College GE seminar requirement for all current students beginning winter quarter 2009.
The 10 course GE requirement is still in effect, but there is no longer a requirement that one of the 10 courses be a GE seminar or an alternative second GE Writing II course.
Any GE seminar course taken previously will still apply toward the applicable foundation area. Students are encouraged to enroll in GE seminars to fulfill their coursework, but a GE seminar will no longer be a graduation requirement.
The College Writing II requirement has not changed.
Students with questions should consult an academic counselor in their assigned counseling unit: Academic Advancement Program in Campbell 1209, College Academic Counseling in Murphy A-316, Honors counseling in Murphy A-311 and Student Athletics in Morgan Center Suite 127.
Judith L. Smith
Dean and vice provost for undergraduate education