The Associated Students UCLA Communications Board, publisher of the Daily Bruin, BruinLife Yearbook and several newsmagazines, met for a scheduled meeting Monday evening.
With only one discussion item on the agenda, the meeting was brief ““ and topics such as Daily Bruin advertising, news magazine performance, and reevaluating the board’s policy on adopting new media were discussed.
Arvli Ward, the director of Student Media, said Daily Bruin advertising sales were down about 12 percent lately, with a total sales trend about 8 percent down from last year.
The board also discussed making it a priority to reevaluate its new media support policy, which is the guidelines for creating publications, and some board members discussed holding news magazines more accountable by forcing them to publish or risk losing their place in Student Media to another publication.
Board members also discussed making it mandatory for news magazines to provide a written report and presentation yearly about their progress and committed to begin working on a new media support policy throughout the year.