Election 2008: Presidential Candidates at a Glance



“¢bull; Supports reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 80 percent below levels set in 1990 by 2050.

“¢bull; Promotes creating a “No Fly Zone” over the Darfur region of Sudan.

Sen. Hillary Clinton 26.8%


“¢bull; Supports increasing access to higher education by creating a $3,500 refundable tax credit for middle-class families.

“¢bull; Introduced Paycheck Fairness Act in attempt to lessen wage discrepancies between men and women.

Sen. Christopher Dodd


“¢bull; Supports a renewed effort in the war on drugs by viewing drug addiction as a public health problem.

“¢bull; Supports capping carbon emmissions and views global warming as a national security issue.

John Edwards


“¢bull; Supports providing consumers with country of origin information for imported food items.

“¢bull; Supports creating work bonds to help low-income families save up to $500 annually.

Mike Gravel


“¢bull; Supports same-sex marriage and has spoken out against the Defense of Marriage Act.

“¢bull; Supports capping carbon emmissions and views global warming as a national security issue.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich


“¢bull;If elected, plans on double tax credits and refunds for Americans earning less than $80,000 annually.

“¢bull;Has spoken openly in support of same-sex marriage and the corresponding legal rights.

Sen. Barack Obama: 23.8%


“¢bull; Has spoken out openly against gay marriage saying he believes that marriage is between one man and one woman.

“¢bull; Supports increased border patrol and technology to prevent illegal immigration.

Gov. Bill Richardson: 10.3%


“¢bull; Supports policies in which undocumented workers could earn legal status.

“¢bull; Supports intiatives to cut oil dependency in half by 2020.


Sen. Sam Brownback


“¢bull; Strongly supports Israel in what he calls its “fight against Islamic terrorism.”

“¢bull; Supports school choice programs, especially for minority students.

Rudy Giuliani: 15.6%


“¢bull; Supports domestic partnerships with full rights in legal and personal matters for gay couples.

“¢bull; Says he is committed to supporting and appointing strictly constructionist judges.

Mike Huckabee: 9.8%


“¢bull; Supports constitutional amendment to ban abortion.

“¢bull; One of his first priorities, if elected, is to put into action a comprehensive energy independence plan.

Duncan Hunter


“¢bull; Supports constitutional amendment to define marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

“¢bull; Strongly supports building fence along the United States and Mexican border to prevent illegal immigration.

Alan Keyes


“¢bull; Believes the separation of church and state doctrine is a misinterpretation of the U.S. Constitution.

“¢bull; Does not believe sexual orientation should be protected under the law in the same ways as race or gender.

Sen. John McCain: 9.8%


“¢bull; Does not support gay marriage but believes states should decide if it will be legal.

“¢bull; Strongly supports adoption and plans to provide tax credits for families that adopt.

Rep. Ron Paul


“¢bull; Supports homeschooling and plans to advance tax credits to make it easier for families who choose to homeschool.

“¢bull; Does not support the Patriot Act and is working to overturn it.

Mitt Romney: 25.8%


“¢bull; As governor, opposed Massuchusetts court decisions to make gay marriage legal.

“¢bull; Supports providing more of a math and science focus in schools.

Rep. Tom Tancredo


“¢bull; Supports securing borders to prevent illegal immigration and eliminating job opportunities for undocumented immigrants.

“¢bull; Has publicly stated that “political correctness” has gotten in the way of effective political debate.

Fred Thompson: 15.2%


“¢bull; Supports charter schools, less federal funding and more state-level decision making in education.

“¢bull; Supports states’ rights to make rulings on questions of same-sex marriage.

SOURCES: Candidates’ campaign Web sites; www.ontheissues.org

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