Readers, will you marry us again?

One of the oldest couples on campus has renewed its vows this year, so I thought congratulatory remarks were in order.

Of course the renewed marriage vows I am referring to are between the paper and you ““ the UCLA community member.

You and The Bruin share a long history; since the moment of the paper’s birth, it was immediately devoted to you. Over time, the paper has transformed as you have.

Just like any healthy couple would, you two have grown synergistically, and today you both have a keen interest in the Internet, multimedia and a constant hunger for more information.

The time was due for a refreshing of sorts. It was necessary for the paper to renew its promise to maintain your trust and share and develop as you do because now, more than ever, the Bruin is committed to its community.

The paper will expand its online coverage to cater to your needs. You will have the opportunity to personalize your news and interact with fellow Bruins by sharing what you consider to be newsworthy events, such as group meetings, events, intramural sporting events and much more.

And if you are wondering where the urge to be interested in what every individual from every background has to say comes from, then you may find the answer in a quick reflection of the world we live in today.

With such quick and easy access to information made available by the Internet and multimedia in general, big news events worldwide are taking all the spotlight in news publications.

So where others will go to learn about you and your work, among many others’, becomes the most important question The Bruin will seek to answer and resolve this year.

That is why your partner, The Bruin, has devoted so many years to covering your interests, covering your events, relaying your voice and introducing you to the global community of information.

This year, they will be of top priority.

The Bruin has always been the documented voice for you and your purpose. This year, it has formally refreshed its promise, on paper, with this column, that it will devote itself to the basic principles on which both you and The Bruin began your relationship many years ago ““ to fairly and truthfully report the information to you on a strong foundation of trust and integrity.

The partnership will continue to prosper because The Bruin understands you and undergoes the same apprehensions you experience.

It is made of people just like you who have compassion, ideals, relationship problems and cultural traditions. Some are athletic, musically and theatrically talented and have so many other daily experiences you may have also.

And if a facet is ever missing, we trust that you will share your concerns and that we can work together to work toward a resolution.

There is one difference between you and The Bruin though.

On our side, we are devoted to satisfy you, our reader ““ our partner.

So while global news outlets continue to report the major events of the world, let us join forces to build a higher degree of trust, respect and devotion to reporting the interests of the community around us.

We might be missing a wedding cake, but if it’s any consolation, The Bruin plans to be your advocate and to report on you more than ever this year through shifting the lens and focusing on your accomplishments as a member of the UCLA community.

Riazati is the 2007-2008 editor in chief. If you want to visit the newspaper and UCLA community member bridal rental shop with her, send her an e-mail at

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