Letter to the Editor

Right-wingers will ignore issue

It has come to our attention that L.O.G.I.C. (Liberty, Objectivity, Greed, Individualism and Capitalism), a group that advocates for the unfettered expansion of capitalism as a solution to the world’s problems, is hosting a debate on immigration policy today.

Yet this so-called debate excludes the very workers who are the subjects of the discussion.

Furthermore, the participants ““ Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Institute for the “let them in” side and Carl Braun, director of the California chapter of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, for the “keep them out” side ““ both represent the interests of the extreme right-wing.

These speakers’ views may appear to be contradictory, but from the perspective of our nation’s corporate elite, the two sides complement each other quite nicely.

On the one hand, big business benefits greatly from open-border policies, which generate a huge supply of cheap labor. On the other hand, that same labor force is effectively terrorized by the state and vigilante groups.

Big business benefits when workers can be deported at a moment’s notice, separated from families or sent to camps in Texas.

People working under these constraints have almost no recourse for better wages or working conditions, let alone recognition of their most basic human rights.

The real debate on immigration is not about whether to let them in or keep them out.

It is a debate about the preservation and creation of rights for the millions of undocumented workers and their families who are already here. And it is precisely these people who are arguing for full legalization now.

Hosting a pair of right-wing talking heads to debate between themselves is simply irrelevant.

Dave Shukla


Students for a Democratic Society

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