Admissions at UCLA

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The Daily Bruin looks at this year’s announcement of
UCLA’s new admissions policy and how it will affect the campus.
Click the links below to see the articles.

The changing face of UCLA diversity

In the 1970s, white students made up nearly 75 percent of the
student body at UCLA, the numbers of black and Hispanic students
were on the rise, and Asian American students were less than 10
percent of each class.

Application review may be restructured

UCLA could be changing the way it reads and scores applications
for admission as soon as December, switching to a system that
places more emphasis on non-academic achievements.

School to adopt UC Berkeley’s “˜holistic’

With its announced intent to move toward a more "holistic" model
of undergraduate admissions, UCLA will adopt a process modeled
after UC Berkeley’s, which has admitted a greater percentage of
underrepresented minorities in recent years.

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