Letters to the editor

UCPD should put campus safety first

It was with more than a little anguish that I read the May 28
Daily Bruin. That edition contained a column on jaywalking, an
article on the campus police crackdown on seat belt violators and
the recent deadlocked jury decision concerning the alleged rape of
a female student.

How is it possible that campus visitors can melt away from
ostensible adult supervision and engage in multiple sex acts with a
UCLA student? (A fact that neither the alleged victim nor the
alleged perpetrators denied.)

Could it be symptomatic of a campus security force too concerned
with monitoring traffic indiscretions? As a parent, I can assure
the UCLA community in general, and the campus police in particular,
that a university devoting so many resources to checking seat belt
use and pedestrian activity instead of student safety will not be
featured prominently in my daughter’s future selection

In many states, seat belt use is voluntary and in many large
cities jaywalking is the norm. In no place, however, is forced
sexual contact acceptable. Campus police should institute a
rigorous policy of prioritizing real threats to student safety.

Michael Selch Professor, clinical radiation

Shoebat’s views on Israel radical

I was not surprised to read that Bruins for Israel hosted Wallid
Shoebat last week, “Former terrorist speaks” (News, May
26). At George Washington University, the institution I attend, the
Israel groups also hosted Shoebat to give a talk this past

What I find shocking is the disparity in the reception Shoebat
received from the two schools. At GW, the student body was made
aware that Shoebat converted from Islam to an ardent following of
evangelical Christianity. That is, Shoebat now has a strong belief
in the necessity of Jews controlling the entire contested land
““ presumably so they can rebuild their temple so that Jesus
will return.

At that point, according to scripture, Israel’s temple
will be destroyed, along with most of its people.

Unfortunately, I am not making all of this up. It is all spelled
out on his Web site and other sites around the Internet, which I
encourage everybody to visit.

The student body at UCLA should question the motives behind
Bruins for Israel in promoting such a nonsensical speaker to
broadcast his certainly dubious ““ given his odd convictions
““ accusations and testimonies.

Fadi Kiblawi Student, George Washington

Blacks, Latinos not the only minorities

I am questioning your statistics in the editorial
“UCLA’s worst: 4.) Lack of diversity in
admissions” (Viewpoint, June 1), that only 16 percent of the
freshmen admitted were minorities. Are you including those of Asian
minority origins? Those would be the minorities in the minority
““ Indian, Pakistani, Arab, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese,
etc. Have you included those in your “minority” count?
Those students are much more of a minority in the population than
what I assume you are deciding are minorities (black, Latino and
American Indian only).

Please be more specific. We know your editorial states a desire
for more admitted blacks and Latinos, but don’t pretend you
are referencing all minorities in your complaint. 

Karen Mango

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