Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger is not just gubernatorial; he is
uber-natorial! Monday’s inauguration officially started a
bold new chapter in California’s history. Behind us are the
days of the “Just for Men Hair Gel” recall election.
“Just for Men” ““ the hair gel that got the Gray
out. This new beginning comes at a troubling time, with California
facing a $25 billion budget deficit. In this state recently covered
in ashes, the economy looks to rise like a Phoenix, or a Las Vegas,
or any of the other cities that have welcomed the exodus of the
Golden State’s businesses. New leadership was essential, and
that new leader is rightfully the Terminator.
Part of Schwarzenegger’s charismatic campaign was a pledge
to “pump up Sacramento.” Why stop there? Perhaps he
should attempt to turn the business of statecraft into an exercise
video. You could start off with your budget crunches, do a few
fili-gut busters, and maybe someday your flabby tax will turn into
a flat tax.
Schwarzenegger has lived up to the hype during his first week in
office. Much to the chagrin of the free-spending Democrats in the
state legislature, he fulfilled a primary campaign promise when he
signed the repeal of the outrageous car tax. Furthermore, he made
an unprecedented announcement during his second day on the job: he
will not be receiving a fee for his services.
Instead, the $175,000 annual salary will remain in the general
fund, the first cut in a long series to curb expenditure.
Critics and skeptics will say that a man as wealthy as
Schwarzenegger has no use for such pocket change. While this is
obviously true, they miss the euphoric underlining message that
Schwarzenegger is not working tirelessly for his own benefit but
rather for the benefit of all Californians.
The bipartisan spirit that the new governor is instilling into
the state is also refreshing. He has had decades of experience
working with Democrats, as his wife is a member of the most famed
Democratic family in American history.
He once quipped that a Republican being married to a Democrat
was like a remake of the film “Sleeping with the
However, now that Schwarzenegger is governor, he sees no enemies
in the legislature, only allies in a fight to save this state from
financial ruin.
This new sense of camaraderie will certainly face challenges
once the financial chips start to fall.
With a budgetary gap that rivals the one in his teeth,
Schwarzenegger will ultimately need to do what is best for the
economy and not necessarily for the appeasement of party lines.
He has stated he would like to have $2 billion in immediate
budget cuts, while Democrats have pledged to fight deep cuts.
His proposal of a constitutionally amended cap on spending is a
wonderful step toward preventing future repeats of the current
crisis. His proposed $15 billion in bonds is a gamble that we can
use to quickly rectify our present situation and return to
prosperity. One thing I have learned is that you do not bet against
the Kindergarten Cop.
In a paradox of sorts, some people voted for Schwarzenegger
because they were tired of foreigners coming into California and
taking jobs away from Americans. Outrage over SP60, the bill that
gave undocumented workers the right to obtain driver’s
licenses, raised even more border-related debates.
Schwarzenegger himself is no stranger to alien issues, having
dealt with them in “Total Recall” and
“Predator.” While he has made it one of his first tasks
in office to push for the removal of SP60, he also realizes how
vital foreign workers are to the economy. He wants to reform the
system and has even pledged to work with President Bush to do
so. It will be “Pumping Iron” meets “Pumping
Try as some might to derail this man, Schwarzenegger’s
enthusiasm toward giving back to the state that gave him so much is
nothing short of inspirational.
Allegations and personal attacks poured out against him in the
final days of his campaign. Some opponents tried to paint him as
Conan the Aryan, while others called him a womanizer.
Regardless, this hands-on man demonstrated to nearly half the
voters that he was the one to right the ship that is the HMS
You might disagree with his policies and solutions, but you
cannot deny the governor’s commitment to the people of this
He came to this country a penniless boy. His drive for success
made him the greatest bodybuilder in the industry and then the
highest grossing movie star in the world.
The moral of the story is that Arnold Schwarzenegger can succeed
at anything once he puts his mind to it. Now his mind is on the
future of California and we are all the better for it.
Pfohl is a fourth-year political science and history