Online exclusive: Regents’ committee narrowly approves 25 percent fee hike

SAN FRANCISCO ““ Citing pressing budget constraints and an
increasing probability the state budget crisis will further impact
the University of California, a key committee of the UC Board of
Regents voted to raise student fees by 25 percent.

The increase raises annual average resident undergraduate fees
by $960 to $4,604.

In the same motion, the regents also voted to give the UC
president discretionary power to raise student fees by an
additional 5 percent if the finalized state budget mandates such an
increase. If implemented, the total increase would raise fees by a
total of $1,150 to $4,794.

The regents’ financial committee passed the motion by a
close vote of 5 to 4. The full board will likely approve the
committee’s decision Thursday.

The tight vote reflects the heated debate that preceded it as
the regents alternately blamed state Republicans, Democrats and
Gov. Gray Davis for forcing them into such a situation.

Currently, the state is facing a $38 billion shortfall which has
resulted in $360 million in base cuts to the UC system. Proposals
in the state legislature could also cut UC funding by anywhere from
an additional $80.5 to $400 million.

Larry Hershman, UC budget vice president, warned that additional
cuts to the UC were virtually guaranteed.

In his second-to-last meeting as UC president, Richard Atkinson
urged the regents to pass the fee increase given the
university’s dire financial straits.

“We are now on the verge of doing great harm to the
academic quality of the University of California, including the
quality of the student educational experience, unless we take
action,” he said prior to the discussion on fees.

“This fee proposal is a difficult one, but it is only one
of many actions being taken to cope with this budget crisis, and I
believe it is essential if we are to avoid cutting class offerings,
increasing class sizes, and delaying students’

Atkinson said he would most likely decide whether to raise fees
an additional 5 percent within the coming weeks.

Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante, who sits on the board by virtue of his
position, was one the strongest opponents of the fee increase.

“It is unacceptable that the state and the University of
California would balance its budget on the backs of the students
and these working and middle-income families that would have to
bear the burden of the increase,” he said.

About a dozen students showed up at the regents meeting to
admonish the regents about a fee increase, saying that it would
greatly limit accessibility to the university among lower-income

Peter Gee, a senator for the Associated Students of UC Berkeley,
said the combination of increased student fees and the debt
students accumulate through loans would be backbreaking for

Hershman also warned that a continually bleak outlook for the
state budget’s future could mean student fees are increased
even further.

“Whatever this final budget looks like, we’re going
to have to face a bigger problem next year,” he said.

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