Global warming, pollution and loss of biodiversity threaten our
planet. This November, the UC Regents will have a chance to do
something about it.
The regents will vote on a resolution mandating renewable energy
use and green building practices for all new and renovated
buildings. Starting in 2003, these buildings will obtain silver
level certification according to the Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design standards developed by the U.S. Green Building
Council. The buildings will be powered by at least 50 percent clean
renewable energy; and at least 25 percent of their total energy use
will come from on-site solar cells.
Why is the resolution important? Natural ecosystems are being
destroyed at an alarming rate ““ and not only in the
rainforests. California has many unique ecosystems and species that
are vulnerable to development. Indeed, the UC Merced campus has
been criticized for destroying rare habitats in the region. The
LEED standards encourage building in already developed locations
where natural ecosystems will not be damaged. They set standards
for erosion control and other aspects of construction that impact
surrounding ecosystems. In addition, they promote the use of
sustainably harvested wood, require collection of recyclables in
buildings, and encourage the use of recycled materials.
Have you ever had burning eyes or an irritated feeling in the
throat while in a classroom? The cause might have been indoor air
pollution. Indoor air is frequently worse than outdoor air because
of poor ventilation and building materials that give off harmful
fumes. Non-toxic alternatives exist, and the LEED standards promote
their use, resulting in a healthier environment for all of us.
But the most important reason to support the UC Go Solar
resolution is global warming. The consensus among scientists is
that if we do not drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the
consequences will be dire: floods, extreme weather, famine, drought
and spreading disease.
Fortunately, we can take a huge step toward reducing global
warming by using energy more efficiently and switching from fossil
fuels to renewable energy ““ something we have to do anyway,
since oil and natural gas will run out within decades. The UC Go
Solar resolution requirements are the environmental equivalent of
taking more than 3 million cars off the road. Plus, the
university’s huge purchasing power will encourage the
development of green technologies and bring prices down.
Those who argue implementing high environmental standards costs
too much should know that improvements such as energy efficiency
and on-site solar power end up paying for themselves. They should
also consider the extra costs that are usually borne by taxpayers:
the costs of cleaning up polluted drinking water, dealing with
floods, or treating lung disease.
The question is not whether we can afford to implement high
environmental standards, but whether we can afford not to. If the
University of California wants to be a responsible global citizen,
the regents must pass the UC Go Solar resolution.