Monday, November 17, 1997
Career Services not adequate
I graduated from UCLA in June, assuming that I would have access
to the Career Center for at least six months.
Like many others, I spent the majority of my summer with my
friends and family, discussing and trying to decide on a possible
career/job path. In late August, I visited the Career Center, only
to learn that I would only have access to it until the end of
I was fortunate enough to find a job; however, many other
students were "cut off" from the Career Center and its resources
after the summer.
Oh, of course you can pay a fee to have the privilege of using
your school’s Career Center.
I can understand if I was a former student who had been out of
school for years, but come on, I graduated in June of this
This is a pathetic display of support for recent graduates.
There should be a minimum of six months for recent graduates to
search and research possible career paths.
Moreover, having to pay to use the center’s facilities is
absurd; some can’t afford it because they don’t have jobs (because
they can’t use the Career Center).
The limited time restriction adds unnecessary pressure to
students who want to take their time to make a career decision. I
enjoyed many aspects of my UCLA experience, but frankly, I’m very
disappointed with this lack of support towards former students.
Ben Mohandesi