Thursday, October 2, 1997
The people who are starting college this fall…
Were born in 1980.
Were conceived after the Iranian hostage crisis occurred.
Have no memory of
a time before M-TV.
"New Wave" is their PARENTS
musical generation.
Cyndi Lauper, Boy George, the Pretenders, the Kinks, the Sex
Pistols-are all old music they have heard of, if they have heard of
it at all.
Have no meaningful recollection of the Reagan era…
They were prepubescent when the Persian Gulf War was waged.
Black Monday 1987 is as significant to them as the Great
Their world has always included AIDS.
Having not lived through the Disco Scare, they can romanticize
They see "Family Ties" as something middle aged ladies
They watched "Star Wars" years ago, when they were kids – on