Thursday, October 2, 1997
Citizens: Arm youselves!
No, this is not a hallucination. UCLA’s Army ROTC mounted a
"mock occupation" of Royce Quad on
Tuesday and Wednesday. The mission: to introduce the UCLA
community to the ROTC and to highlight
its ethnic and gender diversity. Was it successful? Well, ROTC
representatives estimated that
between 10,000 and 15,0000 students were expected pass by the
"occupying force."
And what did they get to do? Taste Army rations, peer inside a
Humvee and possibly best of all,
fire an M-16 rifle simulator.
Top right: Cadet David Gracia, UCLA alumnus and grad
sits on top of a Humvee holding a machine gun. Middle: Cadet
Chris Langand-Shula,
a fifth-year theatre student, hands out Army rations to
first-year students Tracy Spencer and Derek Webster. Bottom right:
Kevin McGalliard hangs out inside the Humvee.