Monday, 5/19/97 UCLA community greets Carnesale, honors Young
YOUNG: ‘Bruin for Life’ bestowed for chancellor’s contributions;
new Kerckhoff salon dedicated
By Frances Lee Daily Bruin Staff After 29 years of service and
dedication to UCLA, retiring Chancellor Charles E. Young received
the university’s highest honorary distinction last Friday – the
title of "Bruin for Life." Cheered on by the UCLA eight clap and a
standing ovation, Young greeted a crowd of about 300 students,
faculty and alumni who had gathered in Pauley Pavilion to pay
tribute to his many years of leadership. Chancellor-designate
Albert Carnesale was also on hand to participate in the festivities
and to be welcomed by the UCLA community. "It’s really important to
honor Chancellor Young and to let the new chancellor know that
students care," said first-year undeclared student Shayla Kasel.
Following the tribute, Young accompanied students association
(ASUCLA) officials to Kerckhoff Hall to officially dedicate the new
Charles E. Young Grand Salon. Featuring performances by various
student groups and sponsored by several campus organizations, the
town hall rally provided a chance for the extended UCLA family to
celebrate and recognize Young’s contributions and achievements.
Upon entering Pauley Pavilion, Young surveyed the crowd and seemed
moved by the warm reception. "I don’t think I’ve ever been
speechless in my life, so it would be ridiculous of me to pretend I
was," Young said after taking the stage. "But if I could be, I
would be speechless (now). "These nearly 29 years as chancellor of
UCLA have been wonderful years. It’s been a relationship of love
between me and Sue and UCLA," he continued. Representatives from
student, faculty and alumni organizations had the opportunity to
offer their perspectives and gratitude to Young. "It’s difficult to
imagine UCLA without Chancellor Young," said graduate President
Chris Tymchuck as he addressed the crowd. Both Tymchuck and
undergraduate President John Du expressed their gratitude to Young
for his continued support of student government. "Students have not
always agreed with Chancellor Young," said Du, bringing to Young’s
attention the impending Student and Graduate Employees/United Auto
Workers (SAGE/UAW) strike later this week by wearing a T-shirt
declaring his support of SAGE/UAW. "But your appreciation and
support for different ideas," Du said, "has always allowed us to
exchange dialogue (on different issues)." As a symbol of their
appreciation, and on behalf of the entire student body, the two
presidents presented Young with a pair of crystal bookends etched
with the image of Kerckhoff Hall. Representatives from UCLA
faculty, staff and alumni also paid tribute to Young’s leadership,
thanking him for his support, dedication and encouragement. UC
Regent Judy Levin, along with Alumni Association President Peter
Taylor, presented Young with a 100-pound replica of a UCLA diploma
signed by thousands of students, faculty, staff and alumni. The
diploma was given in recognition of Young’s "tenacious, visionary,
nurturing leadership of UCLA," and also conferred upon him the
title of "Bruin for Life." Young was also presented with a bouquet
of roses from a rosebush bred in his honor and named after him. The
"Forever Young" rosebush will be planted by the University Research
Library, which is soon to be renamed after Young as well. After
accepting his gifts and thanking those in attendance, Young
presented his successor, Carnesale, to the audience. "I commend him
to you, and you to him," Young said. As a gesture of welcome,
Carnesale was presented with gifts chosen to make his transition
from Boston to Los Angeles easier. Handing Carnesale a UCLA license
plate frame, Tymchuck noted that, "in a city where people get in
their cars to drive to their neighbor’s house," it would be a
necessity. Also presented to Carnesale were standard Bruin
paraphernalia – an anti-USC mug and a UCLA cap. After the rally,
many of the students, faculty, staff and alumni joined Young in
Kerckhoff Hall as he dedicated the meeting room that now bears his
name. By naming the room after the retiring chancellor, ASUCLA
stressed its appreciation of Young’s support. "Through the good
times and not so good times (of the association)," said ASUCLA
Board of Directors Chair James Hagar, "Chancellor Young has stood
by it all." Standing in the Grand Salon, Young noted how "great it
has been to be (at UCLA) all these years and to (continue) to be
associated with it. "I want to thank you and all those you
represent for having made this (tenure at UCLA) such a wonderful
experience," he added. HENRY CHIU Chancellor-designate Albert
Carnesale (right) is presented with gifts, incuding a UCLA cap, by
student leaders Chris Tymchuk (left) and John Du (middle).