Regents silence proposal with system’s machinery

Monday, 5/19/97 Regents silence proposal with system’s machinery
Parliamentary procedures used to avoid debate, difficult

Today, I watched the hand-picked instruments of power and
privilege crush a proposal by Regents Ward Connerly and Jess Bravin
that would have finally ended the special, back door "VIP"
admissions policy in the UC system. What I witnessed was recognized
by experienced observers as a carefully choreographed maneuver. The
chair, after stating only the alpha-numerical designation of the
proposal, immediately called on an objector, who immediately called
for the item to be suppressed. The parliamentary motion chosen did
not even allow debate. The proponents were silenced without a word
– without even being recognized. I wanted to shout. Later, I wanted
to cry. Afterward, I had a chance to meet Regents Connerly and
Bravin briefly. Both were angry, though they spoke quietly.
Connerly called the affair a "dark day" for the university. Neither
expressed much optimism, but both said they would not give up yet.
Experienced observers described to me how certain chancellors had
called in certain favors with certain regents to get them to change
their votes. The final tally was 6-3, a perfect 2/3 of the
committee required to strike the item completely from the agenda.
It was a sadly splendid performance. I came to this meeting as a
visitor, having been newly elected as a student leader here at
UCLA, to see how the regents worked. I’m afraid it was very
instructive. Lance Menthe VPI-elect for GSA graduate student
physics and astronomy PATRICK LAM/Daily Bruin Ward Connerly, UC
regent, at last Thursday’s meeting.

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