Medical Center employee dies in UCLA Emergency Room

Tuesday, 5/13/97 Medical Center employee dies in UCLA Emergency
Room DEATH: Colleagues say Donald McClendon was caring,

By Gil Hopenstand Daily Bruin Staff Donald McClendon, a
representative from the Medical Center’s patient business services,
died at the UCLA Emergency Room on Friday from what appears to have
been a heart attack. UCLA Emergency Medical Services representative
Kristen Smith said the 41-year-old was transported from the James
Morgan Center to the emergency room in full cardiac arrest. Family
members were with him at the time. McClendon was brought in for
care at around 6:30 p.m. and doctors tried to resuscitate him to no
avail for about 15 minutes. Hospital officials said his symptoms
were consistent with a heart attack, but county coroners must
determine the official cause of death. While hospital officials
could not elaborate on the official cause of death, the coroner’s
office is expected to make that conclusion within a few days. Pilar
MacDaniel, McClendon’s supervisor, said he was at the Wooden Center
that evening playing basketball with friends from the office. "He
got tired, sat down to rest and just collapsed," MacDaniel was told
by coworkers. McClendon worked at patient business services since
1984 and, nine months ago, he took over the Neuropsychiatric
Hospital customer service desk, answering phones and listening to
patient concerns. "Donnie," as he was known in the office, was
described as a caring and dedicated person. "He was very friendly
and very involved with kids," MacDaniel said, adding that he often
spoke about his two daughters, who were active with track and
field. "Because it happened Friday night, most people didn’t find
out until (Monday) morning," she continued. Staff and faculty
counseling conducted a session with McClendon’s colleagues for
grief support. "It was a surprise to everybody," she said.

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