Thursday, 5/1/97 Letters
Time bias I am writing this request to disallow groups from
endorsing IVP candidates that did not allow candidates their one
minute response at the April 28, 1997 IVP endorsement hearing, in
violation of the procedures for the endorsement hearing. Although
the mentioned groups "Passed" on their turn, they felt it their
duty to throw some personal attacks into the meeting. By not
allowing a response from the candidates, the intent was obviously
to bias the other endorsing groups. Although their statement did
not end with a "?", I think candidates should be able to respond
regardless. Not asking a question, or allowing a response relevant
to the group that "passed" indicates they have already made up
their mind about who they are going to endorse and are using the
endorsement hearing as a forum to attack others. Although I was not
the candidate that they were attacking, I think a great procedural
injustice happened at the IVP endorsement hearing and therefore ask
that those groups be excluded from endorsing an IVP candidate. Joe
Slone Candidate for Internal Vice President Candidate skews group
affiliation Three days ago at the USAC endorsement hearings,
"Access" presidential candidate Ben Hofilena was asked by Samahang
Pilipino representatives to discuss what he knows about and would
do about (if elected USAC president) issues pertinent to the
Pilipino Community. Mr. Hofilena responded, "I KNOW Pilipino
issues!" and began to nonchalantly list off several Pilipino
organizations on campus that he was an active member. One of those
groups Mr. Hofilena listed was PREP, the Pilipino Recruitment and
Enrichment Program, a high school outreach program housed under
UCLA’s Community Service Commission. He even was so bold as to say
he was "a part of [the PREP program] ‘Garage Talks.’" We at PREP
(Pilipino Recruitment and Enrichment Program) have searched our
record logs and found that Mr. Hofilena NEVER ONCE attended any
PREP event (at least not in the last two and a half years, when
"Garage Talks" changed it’s name to "Sala Talks"). He is not a
member and is by no means ACTIVE in PREP. As directors of the
Pilipino Recruitment and Enrichment Program, we would like to
clarify (for all those at the endorsement hearings) and set the
record straight with regards to Mr. Hofilena’s comments. Ben: Stop
prostituting our organization for your own, selfish political
agenda. Your fraudulent front as a community leader is only held up
by your own lies. Stop your deception act and stop being a
political pimp. As a community service organization, campus
politics are not our main priority. But we cannot stand for such
disrespect. Lies like these will not be tolerated, especially at
our expense. Because of his selfish lies, we at PREP would not be
surprised if Ben was also lying about his community involvement
with the several other groups he listed "as his whores" three days
ago. One can only wonder what the rest of the candidates on the
"Access" slate are like, especially since their elected
presidential candidate is a blatant liar. Just come correct Ben,
that’s all we’re asking. No one is questioning your Pilipino
identity… just your integrity. Joey Gil Cathy Serafica Philip
Tacata Judy Tejero PREP Directors