Wednesday, 4/16/97 Bruins ready for playoffs after finishing off
Anteaters Top-ranked UCLA will host MPSF playoffs Saturday
By Vytas Mazeika Daily Bruin Contributor The UCLA men’s
volleyball team decided to peak just in time for the Mountain
Pacific Sports Federation playoffs. After disposing of UC Irvine,
UCLA prepares to host the MPSF playoffs Saturday at Pauley
Pavilion. The Bruins (21-3, 17-2 MPSF) took a while, playing for
almost two hours, before finally defeating the Anteaters in three
games, 15-7, 15-11, 15-6. UCI (6-18, 4-15) never really stood a
chance against the top ranked Bruins. But a pesky UCI team hustled
to every ball and played with great heart in their final match of
the season. "I was very, very pleased with our effort," UCI coach
Charlie Brande said. "I thought we played very hard." UCLA never
got on track in the first two games as long sideout battles broke
out. The Anteaters took a 4-3 lead early in the first game as they
played emotionally throughout the match. But their effort could not
stop UCLA from capturing the first game by winning 12 of the next
15 points. The Bruins received tremendous hitting performances from
a slough of players. Senior Paul Nihipali led the team with 17
kills while middle blockers Tom Stillwell (.682 hitting percentage)
and Adam Naeve (.500) both hit for high averages. UCLA ended up
outhitting UCI an overwhelming .400 to .202. Fred Robins had the
worst hitting night for any of the starters hitting only .050, but
his contribution to the match came in his serving and ten digs.
"Fred (Robins) started real slow, but he came back in the third
game and looked real sharp in the end," UCLA head coach Al Scates
said. "His serving was fantastic the first two games." For the
Anteaters senior Chris Harger led the charge. And in what seemed
like a David versus Goliath battle for unranked UCI, Harger notched
a match high 22 kills in his final game. But in the end UCLA just
had too much. Statistically UCLA dominated by outblocking (9-7),
outdigging (41-37), outserving (4-2 aces) and outhitting an
Anteaters team that found themselves overwhelmed. A 6-0 run by the
Bruins to begin the third game deflated UCI’s spirits and ended all
hopes of a come from behind victory. For the Bruins it is time to
concentrate on the playoffs. Tonight’s match just reinforced the
belief that UCLA is ready for the next challenge. "(The playoffs)
cannot come at a better time," Robins said. "This team is playing
well. Hopefully we can pick it up more and play well in the
playoffs." The Bruins will be hosting the MPSF playoffs for the
first time since 1995 and for the Bruin players that fact has just
begun to sink in. "I have never (played the playoffs) at home
before," Robins said. "I am looking forward to it. We have a pretty
good record at home. So it is nice to have the home court advantage
because we can get our fans out there and get the advantage over
other teams." UCLA will find out this morning who their first round
opponent will be. But no matter who it is Scates believes that if
the Bruins just keep doing the things that have led them to record
16 straight victories, UCLA will do alright. "We just have to
maintain our edge," Scates said. "We are hitting well now, we are
blocking well … everything is coming along fine."