KLA returns to airwaves after two-year hiatus

Monday, 4/14/97

KLA returns to airwaves after two-year hiatus

UCLA’s radio station currently carried only by university cable

By Jennifer Mukai

Daily Bruin Contributor

I’m fixing a hole where the rain gets in

And stops my mind from wandering

Where it will go.

I’m filling the cracks that ran through the door

And kept my mind from wandering

Where it will go…

These were the first lines to broadcast from KLA last Monday
morning, when UCLA’s radio station finally went back on the air
after an absence of nearly two years.

"We thought it was fitting," interim general manager Jason
Preston said of the Beatles song, with a wry smile.

Indeed, after much delay, everything finally seems to be coming
together for UCLA’s radio station. It was tentatively scheduled to
return in late January but various technical difficulties kept it
off the air until last week.

Among other changes that have occurred in the interim, KLA now
broadcasts at 99.9 FM instead of at the 98.1 frequency originally

Because the station does not have its own radio transmitter at
this time, it can currently only be heard via a closed circuit
cable signal transmitted through UCLA’s cable system.

The cable radio broadcasts can now be heard in the residence
halls and at the station itself, located at the back of Ackerman
Grand Ballroom.

According to Michael O’Connor, manager of Student Media
technical operations, KLA will probably eventually be wired into
the Daily Bruin office in Kerckhoff Hall as well as to other
locations around campus, "but that’s not really up to us."

Instead, it is up to would-be listeners around campus to tap
into KLA. Anyone with access to UCLA’s cable television system can
do so with the help of a cable "splitter" and an extra coaxial
cable. Kits containing the necessary parts are available for
purchase both at the radio station itself and at the Student
Technology Center.

KLA may eventually be heard live over the Internet as well,
expanding its access to off-campus listeners.

According to KLA Webmaster April Garfield, live and archived
broadcasts of news, shows and Bruin sports events should eventually
be available via the station’s Web site.

The KLA staff celebrated the return of UCLA radio by sponsoring
special events all last week.

On Monday night, the Rieber Hall fourth floor hosted a KLA
listening party, complete with "tons of food, musical trivia
questions, free CDs, stickers and posters," according to
fourth-floor Program Assistant Nicole Luque. She estimated that
over 100 people passed through the party during those two

Of the music itself, Luque noted its wide variety. "Each DJ
seems to have their own flavor," she said, adding that she hasn’t
yet decided on any favorites.

Specialty shows currently range from ska to punk to jazz to Brit
pop. In addition, weekday talk shows cover a whole spectrum of
topics, including news, relationships, sports and politics.
Sundays, dubbed "Sunday School," are devoted entirely to techno,
industrial, acid jazz and house music.

Preston remarked that he hopes people will listen to KLA’s play
list format shows as well to get a better idea of the station’s
identity. KLA’s main focus is rock and alternative music, "a sort
of alternative to alternative," he said.

The station’s "Radio Riot" week ended with "Free CD Friday,"
with staff giving away free CDs to dorm residents. This event will
hopefully continue into future weeks, said assistant music director
Giselle Fahimian.

"If we can get (record) labels to give us CDs, we’ll continue as
long as we have stuff to give away," Preston promised.

KLA is still working at getting back on its feet and is open to
expanding its staff and its music, according to Preston. Dedicated
newcomers with ideas for new shows are welcome, he said, adding,
"If we don’t have it, we’ll do it."

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