As the rest of Los Angeles also prepares to go to the polls, we asked UCLA students, “Who are you vo

Tuesday, 4/8/97

As the rest of Los Angeles also prepares to go to the polls, we
asked UCLA students, "Who are you voting for on A pril 8?"

I don’t know if I am voting … I have been too caught up in
everything else I have been doing.

I’m not registered to vote in L.A., but if I were, I would
probably vote for Riordan.

I am probably not going to vote, because I don’t really know who
is out there and who is running. School is really busy right now, I
have big standardized tests coming up, so I haven’t been focusing
on it.

Leslie Witten

Fourth year


Huntington Beach

I am going to vote for Riordan. I don’t like Hayden at all … I
don’t like his politics, I don’t like his background, I don’t like
him personally.

Micah Hirschman

Graduate student


Los Angeles

Riordan runs the city like he’s a CEO, a chairman trying to
maximize profit, and Hayden is an interesting liberal with an
interesting history, but it seems that he has offended a lot of
people … It is unfortunate that our city has to have two
characters like this. One of them is going to be the mayor,
probably Riordan.

Michael Sonksen



Long Beach

I don’t know, because I haven’t kept up with politics.

Noelle Walker

Third year

Physiological Sciences

Santa Cruz

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