letter head

Tuesday, February 11, 1997Hypocrisy in ousting Connerly

I find it shocking that various graduate and undergraduate
presidents of the UC campuses demand that Ward Connerly resign
because of his concern over affirmative action. Connerly seems
authentic when he tries to eliminate what he believes is wrong, and
this hurts everyone. I cannot speak for most of the presidents, but
I can for John Du. I find it ironic that he denounces Connerly for
being "political" when it seems that Du’s entire administration
this year was an anti-209 campaign. I seriously don’t know what his
functions are except for denouncing Proposition 209 and its
supporters. Du’s actions work against both the opponents of
affirmative action and the supporters. Opponents find that Du is
working against them and what they believe, while Du’s antics,
including getting arrested, degrade those who do support
affirmative action. I suggest Du take his own suggestion and resign

Daniel B. Rego

First year

Pre-political science

Holocaust still happens

Despite your personal feelings about the abortion issue, anyone
who believes that the world would not let the holocaust happen
again is naive and ignorant. The Japanese imperial armies massacred
millions of Chinese during World War II. Let us also not forget
that Joseph Stalin killed more people than Hitler did. The
Cambodian killing fields wiped out almost all dissidents after the
revolution. The Guatemalan government has been slaughtering
indigenous peoples for over 30 years in their Scorched Earth
campaigns (which are financially supported by American tax
dollars). Serbians in the former Yugoslavia have resurrected the
horror of death camps by filling them with Bosnians and Croats. The
tribal wars in Nigeria involving the Ibo and other clans have
claimed thousands of lives as well. All of these atrocities have
claimed the lives of children and babies. People do kill babies
just because they are different. It is a fact.

Andres Chang

Second year


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