Monday, January 6, 1997
Editorial board, in pursuit of ‘forward mobility,’ requires your
comments and suggestionsThe Daily Bruin’s editorial staff has made
a New Year’s resolution. To put it succinctly, the promise is this:
We will continue and expand our efforts in making The Bruin a
stronger, more reliable news source.
Since the end of the 1995-96 academic year, the newspaper has
undergone many changes, and this year we want to keep growing.
With the Sept. 23 issue, The Bruin took on a new look and feel.
The front page got a facelift and many of the sections were
reworked and redesigned. A new section, World and Nation, was
created to offer news from sources outside our academic community.
The Arts and Entertainment section has an added focus on events on
campus in order to better inform readers of the university’s myriad
artistic and cultural activities. Other sections, including Sports
and Viewpoint, have also been updated.
We hope that our efforts have resulted in a newspaper which
offers more accurate, credible and balanced information. However,
as a reader, you are the ultimate judge. The Bruin’s strength as a
newspaper is contingent on its ability to move forward. And our
forward mobility is measured in reader satisfaction. Therefore, we
are interested in your opinions. How do you feel about our current
direction? What areas do you feel need improvement? What are we
doing well? We want to hear from you.
Suggestions can be submitted in person at The Bruin’s office at
118 Kerckhoff Hal, or e-mailed to "" Soon,
we will add a telephone line designated solely for reader comments.
Over the course of the year, a selection of comments will be
published in The Bruin.
Your feedback does make a difference. The Bruin is an
interactive publication which is devoted to and driven by the views
of our growing readership. In many cases, suggestions from readers
influence our decisions.
So, together, we can further refine what has already been
considered one of the top college newspapers in the United States.
The Bruin’s editors thank you for your input and, in return, will
strive to offer only the most interesting, informative and reliable
news and features throughout 1997 and beyond.