Thursday, November 21, 1996
Rain in forecast moves event to Pauley, cancels bonfireBy Grace
Daily Bruin Senior Staff
It’s that time of the year again. A time of family bonding, good
eats, and an all-around warm fuzzy feeling. Yes, those pesky
holidays are almost upon us, but before the feasting can begin, a
yearly ritual must take place. UCLA will attempt to set our
crosstown rival USC ablaze, literally.
But wait, there won’t be a bonfire this year. Because of the
possibility of rain, the annual Beat $C Rally and bonfire has been
moved to Pauley Pavilion. Bruin fans won’t get the chance to see
the Trojan effigy burn, but the rally will still go on.
"The main function (of the rally) is to get everybody pumped up
for the ‘SC game," said Tim McGrath, second vice-chairperson of the
Rally Committee. "No matter what the point spread is, it gets the
team into it. The rally brings the school together.
"We have alumni who will show up with their kids. We have the
Victory Bell and the air horn. It shows everybody the tradition.
It’s about school spirit and unity."
The festivities begin at 8:45 p.m. when a contingent of ralliers
will begin a march from the top of the dorms.
"We start off with a dorm walk which includes the Rally
Committee, the band and the spirit squad," said Goli Samimi, SAA
executive director of campus spirit. "It’s a tradition. They start
at the top of Circle Drive and they go from dorm to dorm trying to
get people to come down to the IM field."
Of course this year’s rally won’t be the same, but the main
event will still be similar to last year. Nathan Seidman, master of
ceremonies, will introduce various members of the football team to
speak a few words on behalf of the team.
The football team won’t be the only athletic squad to have
representatives at the event. Other Bruin teams will also speak in
between the various skits mocking USC that will be performed.
The rally concludes a week of activities that included "throwing
a pie at a USC student" and "smashing a Trojan piñata" on
Tuesday, and smashing a car painted in USC colors on Wednesday. The
theme of this week’s activities, "Extinguish $C", seems especially
fitting since the Trojans will be on fire to beat the Bruins.