
Thursday, November 21, 1996

Strike denies education

I am troubled by an aspect of the SAGE strike. The individual
TAs can strike if they want to, but they should not be encouraging
other students not to attend their classes. I find such cries to be
disturbing. Isn’t the reason of going to a university to go to
class and learn? Obviously the strikers who shout about "the
quality of education" and the need to improve it want the students
to deny themselves just that ­ quality education at a quality
school. TAs may certainly present their grievances to the
university, and they are free to strike to their heart’s content,
but they should not be trying to convince the students to deny
themselves the quality education that the strikers claim to care
about. There are many applicants who didn’t get into UCLA who would
be glad to go here and go to class. The quality education and
opportunity we have here is something we all must not take for
granted. Most of my TAs are not striking and I plan to go to all of
my lectures and to their discussion groups. I will not take for
granted the opportunities I have here already.

Daniel B. Rego


Pre-political science

Leah Green’s columns offer welcome humor, wit

I would like to express my thanks to Viewpoint columnist Leah
Green for always managing to write humorous and insightful columns
without once mentioning Proposition 209 or affirmative action. The
Daily Bruin uses more than enough of its space whining about issues
that everyone is tired of hearing about. I applaud Leah’s sharp wit
and keen sense of humor that always manages to bring a smile to my
lips when reading columns such as "You know you’re having a bad day
when …" Leah is a wonderful asset to Viewpoint, and I look
forward to more of her interesting columns.

Brett Siciliano



Short and sweet

With all of the discussions on campus of protest this and strike
that, it is important to remember one important thing this

$C still sucks.

Charles A. Moore

Economics 1986

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