Thursday, November 21, 1996
Controversy over UCLA mascot paraphernalia sparks many
suggestionsHEY BRUINS! To help ASUCLA answer the question: Should
"Bearwear" be renamed "Bruinwear," "BruinGear," "BruinCentral" (or
anything "Bruin")? as suggested by several recent letter writers to
the Daily Bruin (and supported by hundreds of petition signers,
including Charles O’Bannon, Jonathan Ogden, Marques Johnson and
many other prominent Bruins), take this test:
Which ONE of the following does NOT belong with ALL the
(The following letter was submitted with an additional 133
answers. Â Editor)
1. Bruin Walk
2. Joe Bruin
3. Josephine Bruin
4. "The Bruin" statue
5. UCLA Daily Bruin
6. Bruin Life Yearbook
7. UCLA Bruin Marching
8. "Mighty Bruins"
9. Bruin Woods
10. Bruin OnLine
12. Bruin Gold Card
13. UCLA Bruins MasterCard
14. "UCLA Bruins" license plates
15. Bruin Park Plus
16. ASUCLA Bearwear
(Hint: can you say, "No Brainer?")
Send answers to:
Attention: Patricia S. Eastman
Executive Director/CEO
332 Kerckhoff Hall
308 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90024-1640
J. Scott Cromie
Pre-cognitive science
D.D. Durbin
Jessica P. Uribe
As a concerned student here at UCLA I am responding to the
Viewpoint article printed on Nov. 8, 1996, about the UCLA Store’s
name for UCLA stuff.
I agree with Beverly Shaffer in rec-
ognizing the need to change the name from Bearwear to something
Bruinwear doesn’t do it much for me, so I have come up with some
ideas of my own. I hope you will consider them or hopefully they
will spark an idea of your own. The most important thing is that
"Bruin" be in the name somewhere. Let Bruin pride fly high …
advertise the name … keep UCLA on top!!
How about … Bruin Central, Bruin Headquarters (or Bruin HQ),
The Bruin Pit or The Bruin Den?
Steve Sands has suggested "Bruin Gear" and that isn’t a bad name
either. As a personal note, I think the name should not be
restricted to represent a "clothes" only name like Bearwear or
Bruinwear, but be able to represent the wide array of merchandise
that the UCLA Store contains.
Thanks for listening, and I hope to see a great new name for the
UCLA Store.
Howard Kim
Microbiology and molecular genetics
Regarding the name change proposition at the UCLA Store for
Bruinwear, I just wanted you to know that I am in hands-up, full
agreement with B. Shaffer and Robin Aguilar.
My boyfriend is a student at UC Berkeley. To feed our friendly
rivalry, he is always teasing me and saying that UCLA totally
"bites off" of UC Berkeley in that we "stole" their colors and
"stole" their mascot. When he came to visit me for the first time
this weekend he had no hesitation in having a field day when he saw
the "Bearwear" sign.
I can’t stand that we sell "Bearwear" not only because he can
tease me (this is trivial), but because I am proud to be a BRUIN!
The name definitely needs a change in order to represent our campus
and our identity as Bruins, not Bears.
Kelly Lack
This is a letter to strongly cast my vote of support for what
Beverly Shaffer is doing. I agree that it is absurd that the UCLA
student store sells merchandise reflecting the name of our Northern
California counterpart.
Please pass this message along to all those who will listen.
Darin Kettwig
UCLA Alumni Association
Life member since 1993
Dear Friends:
Let’s hear more support for the BRUINWEAR idea Beverly Shaffer
has been petitioning for these last several years.
Beverly, who presides over her aisle at Pauley Pavilion as a
delightful combination of hostess, hall monitor, friend and
basketball fan, is on target.
While even I (and both my alumni children who graduated long
ago) did not actually feel the massive inferiority complex/status
inflicted upon early Bruins by our Northern brothers, I heard
tales. All sad.
Through the decade, Westwood has made many visual changes in our
identifying symbols. The shoulder hoops on the football jersey were
a flash of creative genius. Our blue is shades different from their
Our totem animals look nothing alike, and the only bear set in
stone stands in front of Ackerman.
BRUINWEAR is a name whose idea is now.
Marty Rauch
Alumnus 1943