Thursday, November 14, 1996
The fallout of Prop. 209
In one fell swoop as thoughtless as it is demagogic, the
?people? of California have voted to replace the collaborative,
compassionate ideal of the ?social contract? with the cynical
lawlessness of the corporate warfare state, the prison and ?the
hood.? Proposition 209 reintroduces into this once ?Golden?
California the operating philosophy that ?only the strong survive.?
In a collective reaction as selfish as it is intolerant, xenophobic
and racist the motto of the University of California has been
changed from ?let there be light? to ?let there be (white male)
might.? I pray for California, and I weep for what it has done to
its own children and future.
Dan Jordan
Communication Studies
1987 Alumnus
Chancellor Young is no role model
Chancellor Young’s firing of basketball coach Jim Harrick for
his ethical breach is truly inspiring. As Chancellor Young
explained, the coach’s failure too follow the rules "was
inconsistent with his position as a role model to students, where
ethical behavior is so important." How true.
But how does Chancellor’s love of the law and ethics in this
case of a basketball coach fit with his own complete disregard for
the law in the case of SAGE, the union of UCLA’s academic student
If UCLA must fire Jim Harrick for inviting too many people to a
recruiting dinner and subsequent lying, what are the implications
for Chancellor Young’s employment and lucrative retirement benefit
package, given that he has chosen to violate a court order
obligating the university to recognize SAGE/UAW?
Peter Simitka
Fourth year
Political Science
Horey breaks up daily monotony
With all the serious issues facing us today, it is nice to stop
and enjoy life once in while. Justin Horey allows us to do just
that with his whit and humor. His articles offer us an alternative
to the often depressing news of the world today. Please give him my
thanks for showing us a brighter side of college life once in a
Tobias Linnett
Third year
Aerospace Engineering
According to ESPN, Chancellor Young likened Harrick’s violation
to President Nixon’s Watergate. Wow! I think our outgoing
chancellor was suffering from a delusion of grandeur when he said
this. This was a severe case where the punishment didn’t fit the
crime. I don’t condone what Harrick did but a less severe
punishment would have been warranted. Besides, when did Mr. Young
become the guardian of ethics? Remember the fiasco with the
University of Wisconsin regarding the 1994 Rose Bowl tickets? Young
presided over that mess and his ethics were shady, at best! But to
indulge in Young’s Watergate analogy for a moment, let me offer
this. Nixon stonewalled, Harrick was forthcoming. Nixon was
pardoned, Harrick was fired. Somewhere out there, Harrick must be
scratching his head.
Rick Abella
Fourth year