Friday, November 8, 1996
‘Bear’ recalls Cal mascot; petition to change name signed by
many prominent alumniBy Beverly B. Shaffer
Especially in light of our Bruin football team victory over the
Cal Bears during their trip to Berkeley two weeks ago, I was
intrigued by Robin Aguilar’s column in Tuesday’s Daily Bruin that
proposed the name "Bearwear," used to identify the Bruin emblematic
merchandise sold in the UCLA Store, to be changed. I want to tell
the Daily Bruin readers about a petition I have been circulating at
all UCLA events I attend.
To provide some background on myself, I am a UCLA alumna and a
docent at the UCLA Visitors’ Center and the UCLA Japanese Garden,
as well as a volunteer with the UCLA Alumni Association Scholarship
Program and the Athletic Department. As a Bruin docent, I conduct
tours for a wide range of foreign and domestic visitors who come to
see our wonderful campus. Every time I walk by the UCLA Store in
Towell, however, I cringe when I see that huge sign on the exterior
of the store advertising "Bearwear." Bearwear?! Have I missed
I thought perhaps the readers would be interested in offering
their feelings about the survey which reads: "We, the loyal sons
and daughters of Westwood, past and present, feel that NOW is the
time to officially change the name of the memorabilia section of
the student store from ‘BEARWEAR’ to ‘BRUINWEAR.’" The Bears are in
Berkeley, but the Bruins are in Westwood. So, while Ackerman Union
is undergoing extensive renovation, let’s SEIZE THE MOMENT! Let’s
maintain a consistent identity of UCLA BRUIN Tradition and of BRUIN
Spirit. Let’s take pride in logically renaming the memorabilia
So far, more than 750 Bruins  students, parents, alumni,
UCLA administrators, faculty, staff, ASUCLA student and career
employees, Bruin athletes, coaches, athletic department officials,
season ticket holders, fans, boosters, donors, and other friends of
UCLA Â have enthusiastically signed this petition calling for
Bruinwear. Among these are Charles O’Bannon, Outland Trophy winner
Jonathan Ogden, National Player of the Year Marques Johnson, Roy
Hamilton, assistant football coach Ed Kezirian and former
basketball head coach Larry Farmer, to name just a few. All agree
that Bruinwear is an idea whose time has come, especially since
ASUCLA can easily make this change before any signs for the new
UCLA Store are ordered.
Now it’s your turn, Daily Bruin readers. What do you think?
Please write or e-mail the Daily Bruin to express whether you agree
with the idea for "Bruinwear." Thanks in advance for taking a few
moments to voice your opinion.
As they say, "Once a Bruin, always a Bruin."