Fencing team to show off their finesse at Cal T

Thursday, October 24, 1996


Individuals in all three categories expect to make a strong
showing of endurance and technique in tournamentBy John Kelly

Daily Bruin Contributor

"Barbarians need not apply."

For a sport that involves the swinging of sharp, pointy objects,
the assertion that a wild savage might not fit in seems odd.
However, those who can issue forth a mighty yawp do indeed not fit
in to the circumscribed, formal, and somewhat prissy world of the
UCLA fencing team.

Fencing, in which normally sane and amiable people swing and
thrust vestigial swords at one another, has its roots in the formal
duels of yesteryear.

"Fencing is a bit of a finesse sport. To call someone a brutal
fencer is something of an insult," Bruin fencer Kyle McJunkin

Finesse will be on the minds of the members of the fencing team
this weekend when they take part in the Cal Tech Invitational,
scheduled for Saturday at 9 a.m. at Cal Tech.

Competing as individuals, the members hope to place in the top
three in several categories.

"The top three people will medal, and we should at least get a
couple of bronzes," McJunkin said. "We’re fielding new people,
about 20 overall, and we’re hoping to get them a lot of experience.
Foil for both men and women should be strong."

Traditionally, the fencing team has faced off against teams from
UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, USC, Cal Tech and Cal St.
Fullerton. The league was hard on the Bruins last year, as in dual
meets, the club came in fourth place.

Carla Tangan in the women’s epée, Greg Bird and Josh
Horowitz in the saber, and Ian Ono in the foil should have a good
chance at medaling in the tournament, according to McJunkin.

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