Thirty years of hands-on Education

Monday, October 14, 1996


EXPO Center celebrates 30th birthday, new home in KerckhoffBy
Lena Hicks

Daily Bruin Contributor

Colorful balloons and loud chattering streamed through the
hallways of the first floor of Kerckhoff Hall yesterday, during the
30th anniversary celebration of the Extramural Programs &
Opportunities (EXPO) Center, organized by the alumni of the UCLA
Internship Association.

The EXPO Center, which officially began in 1966, gives both
undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to obtain
hands-on experience in internships pertaining to their potential
career plans.

On behalf of Chancellor Charles Young, who was unable to attend
the event, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Jane
Permaul accepted an honor for the Chancellor’s on-going support of
the center. She expressed the need for more UC alumni in leadership
positions in the public sector.

"Promote more internships so we have more UC alumni walking the
halls of the capital," Permaul said.

The celebration also consisted of the ribbon-cutting dedication
for the brand new headquarters, located in 109 Kerckhoff Hall, as
well as the commemoration of individuals in corporations and
businesses who have given internship opportunities to students.

These individuals included Geoffrey Cowan, director of Voice of
America, Toshisuke Matsuura, M.D., president of Japan/America
Society of Mayakonojo-cho, and De’Borah Overstreet, manager of News
Administration at KCBS.

The EXPO Center, a satellite office of the UCLA Career Center,
provides internships on local, national, and international levels.
From working in the media for a quarter in Washington D.C., to
teaching English in Japan for a year after receiving a bachelor’s
degree, students have options in regards to field and location.

"The biggest fulfillment I get is being able to give students
the opportunity to identify their career goals and achieve them,"
said Dario Bravo, the assistant director of the Expo Center for the
past 11 years.

Bravo has witnessed the career accomplishments of former interns
due to the program.

Through the Expo Center, Sabrina Fox, a second-year
Communication Studies student, has interned at both CBS and the
Discovery Channel. Prior to her experiences, she had uncertainties
about approaching the internship process.

"I know I was interested in media, but I didn’t know how to go
about contacting different outlets," Fox said.

She now feels as though she’s gained important contacts as well
as a real hands-on education.

"Students might be able to learn more about what they want to do
when they graduate, and apply it to real-life applications," she

Also an intern through the center for the Finance and Accounting
department at CBS was fifth-year economics student Jorge Sam. He
feels that the EXPO Center has given him insight on the importance
of impressive resumes and interview skills.

"It’s important to have a real good-looking resume … (and) in
the interview it’s up to you how well you click with the
interviewer. You have to be relaxed and very comfortable in
communicating," he said.

Fox and Sam, currently employed as interns with the help of the
EXPO Center, both feel that connections for future job positions
are now available to them because of the program.

"(The EXPO Center) gives you the connections to get a full-time
position," Sam said.

"That says a lot about the EXPO Center," Fox agreed, as she sat
next to Sam at yesterday’s anniversary reception.

Although the EXPO Center is affiliated with the Career Center,
many students do not know about the center’s opportunities. Sam
feels that the paperwork and interviewing processes may be
discouraging at first.

"Not that many people know about it but when I first applied for
an internship, I thought that it was a hassle because of the
paperwork and the process. I later realized that it was worth it,"
he said.

The festivities of the reception ended with the presentation of
two $500 Alex White Scholarships to fourth-year Communication
Studies student Jane Park and fourth-year political science student
Loc Le.

The Expo Center granted the scholarships to both recipients as
recognition for their impressive performances as interns. After
receiving her honor, Park closed the reception by expressing her
gratitude to the program and her desire to pursue a career in

"I want to be a TV reporter and anchor and I want to give back
to the community," Park said.


Cary Porter (l) leaves the Extramural Programs and Opportunities
(EXPO) Center 30th-anniversary celebration Sunday with Kathy Sims,
director of the UCLA Career Center. See related story, page 3.

(center l.-r.) Tina Oakland, director of Extramural Programs and
Opportunities (EXPO) Center and Dario Bravo, assistant director,
speak with UCLA alumni who interned in Washington at the EXPO
Center’s 30th anniversary celebration. (far l.-far r.) Mariel
Calizo, Comm & Poli Sci major, class of 95; Susan Samarge,
English major, class of 95; Sylvia Garcia, Comm & Poli Sci
major, class of 95.JUSTIN WARREN/Daily Bruin

The EXPO Center’s birthday cake, celebrating 30 years of placing
students in internships.

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