Mark Bingener..

Wednesday, April 24, 1996

Candidate for Internal Vice President

Internal vice president candidate Mark Bingener sees himself as
the average UCLA student.

"I’m the typical Bruin," Bingener said. "I go to class, hang
out, have fun and I think I could be a fair and impartial person in
student government."

A member of the Bruin Vision slate, Bingener’s most important
goal is to unify all campus student groups by giving each one an
office in Kerckhoff Hall.

Since many student groups work on the same types of issues, it
would be more effective if they worked together, Bingener said.

"As internal vice president, I would keep the campus glued
together and serve as the mediator between all student groups,"
Bingener said.

He also would prioritize large campus organizations by giving
these groups more money than the smaller ones.

"The small groups are important too, but they don’t affect as
many people as the larger groups do," Bingener said.

Like other members of Bruin Vision, Bingener is interested in
establishing a pub on campus and increasing the number of direct
student services.

His leadership experience includes Rieber Hall floor president.
Also, he will be president of the Actuary Club next year.

"I want people to look at the Bruin Vision slate as an
alternative to the other slates," Bingener said. "We are promoting
the average students ­ the ones who come here mainly for an
education and don’t really get involved with campus

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