Conference addresses liberation of Raza women

Conference addresses liberation of Raza women

Chicanas/Latinas, community speakers discuss current issues at
grass-roots level

By Patrick Marantal

Daily Bruin Contributor

Saturday marked the first annual Chicana/Latina Conference
sponsored by the Raza Women, UCLA’s Chicana student activist

The conference, called by its organizers "La Liberacion de
Nuestras Mujeres," hosted Chicana/Latina women from both the UCLA
community and greater Los Angeles area to determine ways for women
to liberate themselves.

"Because of the disrespect we have received in our lives, we are
addressing these issues and going back into the community to use
these skills to recognize what’s happening," said Christina Misa, a
UCLA alumna and the conference’s organizer.

A variety of community speakers from the Los Angeles area
addressed issues ranging from health to affirmative action, Misa
said. But the constant throughout the conference was the focus on
Chicana/Latina issues.

"Men are invited," Misa said. "But not one component of the
conference has men."

Due to constraints by administration and a lack of support from
the campus community last year, the conference was not held, Misa
explained. But despite the difficulty, organizers have finally been
able to put on the conference.

"It’s been a struggle to put on this because we are the only
women’s organization," Misa said. "Other groups only have a female
component (but) we are mainly grass-roots because we work with the
community and take our campus community to Raza community."Comments

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